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Everything you need to know about the MIND diet
Gretel Morales - 2022-06-23T14:21:55Z
Read in EnglishThe MIND diet is one of the healthiest eating patterns, as it results from the fusion of the Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet, which was designed for those suffering from hypertension. Moreover, the U.S. Department of Health indicates that the MIND diet has been shown to help lower blood pressure levels, one of the risk factors behind Alzheimer's.Both diseases affect a significant percentage of the global population, and although cures do not exist, it is essential to consult specialists, but also to adopt a healthier and more nutritious diet, as nutrition has a significant impact on health.You can also read: The eating habit that will give you up to 13 more years of lifeWhat does the MIND diet consist of?The experts from the U.S. Department of Health indicate that the MIND diet focuses on the consumption of foods that have been linked to the prevention of dementia and recommend adopting the dietary regimen as follows:1. Leafy greens: consume at least 6 servings of these vegetables per week.2. Vegetables: eat one serving per day.3. Berries: consume 2 times a week.4. Whole grains: it is recommended to eat 3 servings per day.5. Fish: 1 serving per week.6. Chicken: consume only 2 times per week.7. Beans: It is recommended to eat at least 3 servings per week.8. Nuts: Consume at least 5 times per week.9. Wine: 1 glass of wine per day.10. Olive oil: it is recommended to consume it daily, but raw, that is, as a vinaigrette, not for frying.As you can see, the MIND diet is balanced and nutritious, but it also restricts the consumption of foods such as cheese, red meat, butter, sweets, and pastries, as well as junk food in general.You can also read: The perfect plate according to Harvard UniversityMIND Diet: What do the experts say?The U.S. Department of Health mentions that clinical studies have been conducted on more than 900 volunteers, which demonstrated that the MIND diet is “associated with a lower likelihood of developing Alzheimer's and a slower cognitive decline process.”Despite the many benefits of adopting a healthy, sugar-free, and low-fat diet like the MIND diet, it is worth mentioning that the institution clarifies that not all scientific studies have found a link between a healthy diet and improved cognitive abilities, as it indicates that the evidence suggests, but does not prove, that adopting the Mediterranean diet or similar diets helps reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's or slow cognitive decline, but the good news is that this type of diet has a positive effect on cardiovascular health and, as a result, could reduce the risk of developing dementia.Additionally, experts also explain the findings related to the MIND diet, which will surprise you!1. “An analysis of diet and other factors found that, after 4.5 years, those who adhered most closely to the MIND diet had a 53% lower likelihood of developing Alzheimer's, compared to those who did not follow the diet properly.”2. “Adopting the MIND diet is associated with a substantially slower cognitive decline process.”You can also read: Drinking coffee could decrease the chances of developing Alzheimer's