What is ginseng and what are its benefits?
Gretel Morales - 2022-11-29T10:06:38Z
When we think of dietary supplements and vitamins that help us have more energy, the first thing that comes to mind is ginseng, a plant that has been used in traditional medicine in various countries. Although much is said about the almost miraculous qualities of this plant, have any been proven by science? At kiwilimón, we took the task of researching the benefits of ginseng, and you will be surprised! You can also read: Benefits of ginseng in the bodyWhat is ginseng? The term ginseng is used to refer to different varieties of this plant, although the most common and commercial is Panax ginseng, which grows in Korea, China, and Siberia, according to the Medline Plus portal. It is worth noting that the root of the plant is what is commonly consumed, not the flower. What are the benefits of ginseng? Ginseng is attributed a series of properties and health benefits; however, not all have been scientifically proven. Here we tell you if it is effective! 1. Improves memory According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, ginseng may improve “memory and thinking skills,” as well as arithmetic skills and reaction times; however, these effects have been observed in adults, not in young people. 2. Regulates blood sugar levels The WebMD portal indicates that various scientific studies have shown that ginseng may help lower blood sugar levels. 3. Fights influenza The consumption of Panax ginseng seems to have a very positive effect, as it appears to reduce the chances of suffering from a cold or influenza, but it does not reduce the symptoms or duration of the infection. 4. Ideal for patients with multiple sclerosis Health experts have found that after consuming ginseng for 3 months, women with multiple sclerosis experience less fatigue and their quality of life increases significantly. 5. Forget about stress A study published in 2017 indicates that this wonderful plant has potential benefits for reducing levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. You can also read: Foods that strengthen your brain6. Fights Alzheimer’s A study from 2018 indicates that ginseng has a lot of potential for patients with Alzheimer’s, as it has benefits for brain function. 7. Ginseng for the immune system Another excellent reason to consume this root is that it may strengthen the immune system due to its antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, according to Healthline. 8. Increases your energy levels As you have probably heard, ginseng is known for increasing energy levels. An analysis of about 10 studies revealed that consuming this plant improves symptoms of chronic fatigue after taking it for 2 weeks. 9. Reduces inflammation Ginseng is a plant with many health benefits, including its anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidant content. 10. Does ginseng have benefits for men? Experts note that ginseng seems to improve sexual function in adults with erectile dysfunction. Now that you know these 10 benefits of consuming ginseng, do not hesitate to consult your doctor, who will tell you if you can take vitamins with ginseng or dietary supplements. You can also read: 10 foods to boost your immune system