Does your frying pan cause cancer?
Kiwilimón - 2018-10-16T09:23:55.591773Z
According to the Spanish Association Against Cancer (Aecc), between 75 and 80% of the types of cancer that are recorded are generated by the action of external agents acting on the body, so by modifying habits we can reduce the risk of suffering from it, but what things cause cancer?
These carcinogenic agents are substances that, upon contact with the body, promote the development of neoplasia; we can find them in physical, chemical, and biological factors, that is, in products we use every day.
Aecc specifies that the capacity of the carcinogenic substance depends on the amount of dose that the body receives and the time of exposure.
It details that chromium, nickel, cobalt, asbestos, lead, and arsenic generate cancer of the lungs, kidneys, liver, and skin.
Meanwhile, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons such as tobacco smoke, soot, tar, and petroleum favor the development of lung and testicular cancer.
Finally, nitrosamines generate liver and stomach cancer, but the risk can be reduced by avoiding excessive consumption of smoked products and cold cuts. And you, do you know which of these carcinogenic agents is close to you?
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