Easy Cooking

Tip: How to Use Salt in Cooking

By Kiwilimón - 2018-10-16T09:03:13.621883Z
  Salt for cooking can also help us with other types of activities for cleaning or maintaining kitchen accessories, glasses, plates, etc. Here are some tips on how you can make use of salt in your kitchen: - For the garbage disposal. After using it, does the garbage disposal produce unpleasant odors? You can clean it with salt. Pour ½ cup of coarse cooking salt, run cold water, and start grinding. The salt will dislodge stuck waste and neutralize odors. - Stuck food. Hardened residues on utensils can be removed with a pre-treatment of salt: before washing the containers, sprinkle salt over the stuck food and moisten the area; let it sit until the salt releases the food, and then wash with soapy water. - Stains in the oven. The next time food boils over in the oven, prevent the spill from cooking and hardening. Pour salt while it is still in a liquid state. When the oven cools down, you can clean the spill with a cloth. This applies to the stove as well. The salt will also eliminate odors, and if you want it to smell good in the end, mix it with a bit of ground cinnamon. - Burnt milk. Burnt milk is very difficult to clean, but salt makes the task easier. Pour a little water into the burnt saucepan and sprinkle it with salt. Wait 10 minutes and clean the saucepan. The salt also absorbs the odor. Recommended cooking recipes: - Pumpkin Soup with Cumin - Minestrone Soup - Beef Stew - Bay Leaf Chicken