Food for Kids and Babies

Help! My baby is allergic to milk

By Kiwilimón - 2018-10-16T09:16:37.604227Z
Giving milk to a baby seems so normal that it is strange when they don't handle it well and it even causes health problems. That’s why we leave you with some points to help you realize if your baby is lactose intolerant and to know how to treat it. There are certain very clear signs that indicate your baby is having trouble processing dairy. The best thing is to cut off the supply until you see your pediatrician, as depending on their condition, an alternative will be recommended. It is important to be aware that there is a difference between lactose intolerance and milk allergy; that’s why we leave you with the reactions of your baby that may indicate one or the other: Allergy - If they spit up a lot and frequently - If they have stomach upset - If they have abdominal pain - If they have difficulty gaining weight - If they have watery eyes and a stuffy nose Intolerance - If they have gas - If they have a bloated stomach - If they have colicky symptoms like irritability How is it treated? There are several ways, but the main one, as we mentioned, is to take the baby to the pediatrician for diagnosis. Some of the solutions that might be recommended include changing formulas, as there are some where the lactose proteins are broken down and are thus more easily digestible for infants. Another alternative would be if you are breastfeeding, to stop consuming dairy products so that your baby’s consumption will be less affected by those proteins that can cause both allergy and intolerance.   Baby Recipes    Melon Puree  Beet Puree    Pea Puree Do you know any other remedies for babies who are allergic to milk?