Gastronomic Recommendations
Arca Tierra, meeting of farmers
Fernanda Balmaceda - 2021-03-19T13:20:46Z
Today more than ever, the commitment to agriculture, food, nature, and social impact through gastronomy is a priority.These elements were the motivation for Lucio Usobiaga to create Arca Tierra, a meeting place between peasant farmers and people living in Mexico City who are interested in maintaining a healthy diet and supporting the countryside. Arca Tierra aims to heal the land by applying the principles of regenerative agriculture and fair trade in Xochimilco. A few years ago, Lucio arrived in Xochimilco in search of organic vegetables and, upon realizing the problems in the area and the serious threat they face if networks for their conservation are not woven, he dedicated all his energy to consolidating Yolcan in 2011, a project that has been recovering techniques and traditions of agriculture in the chinampas. Today, Lucio continues his efforts to consolidate and promote organic agriculture in Mexico with Arca Tierra. Here, they offer basic baskets from producers such as vegetables, greens, and seeds. They also provide specialty products like salsas, coffee, tlacoyos, and salts. Their offerings are nourished by the essence of the Mexican countryside and the hands that produce it. Additionally, Arca Tierra offers experiences ranging from tours of the chinampas and teachings on organic agriculture to gastronomic experiences with the same producers and renowned chefs. For Lucio, farmers are the most important people in today's society: They care for the environment, feed us, and connect us with nature. To a large extent, our health and the health of the soil depend on them. Now we need more organic farmers than ever to preserve our varieties, achieve food security, and help reverse climate change.”Without a doubt, Arca Tierra is a project worth knowing and sharing to eat healthily, support the work of peasant farmers, strengthen the local economy, regenerate the land, reverse climate change, and conserve our culinary and cultural traditions. We invite you to discover Arca Tierra!