Gastronomic Recommendations

Do you already know the benefits of superfoods?

By Marco Beteta - 2021-07-15T11:01:52Z
Superfoods are completely natural foods (fruits, seaweeds, seeds, roots, and herbs) that contain a high percentage of nutrients and antioxidants. They complement what the body produces, as well as helping to provide more energy in daily life and promoting the functioning of the immune system. This is why they have become essential elements for improving and maintaining good health.Although you may think they are expensive or difficult to find, in reality, many of these superfoods will be familiar to you and incorporating them into your diet will be very simple. For example, start your morning with plenty of energy by preparing a banana smoothie with cocoa flakes and amaranth.The midday snack can be yogurt with blueberries and chia seeds; at lunchtime, you can prepare a salad with quinoa, kale, and tuna or roasted asparagus with salmon.For the afternoon snack, a good option is a matcha tea smoothie with honey, and finally, for a light dinner, a toast with avocado, fresh cheese, and nopales. Here are some of the easiest superfoods to find:To gain energy: Oats, raisins, banana.To relieve pain: Ginger, cherries, turmeric.To gain muscle mass: Egg, salmon, tuna.To boost metabolism: Pistachios, beetroot, edamame. Gourmet tip: For better results, consult a nutritionist who can indicate the portions your body needs.For recipes made with superfoods, I invite you to my site.