Cooking Recommendations

Improve your digestive health with Activia®

By Kiwilimón - 2018-10-16T09:24:03.192281Z
Nowadays, around 96% of Mexican women suffer from some digestive discomfort due to various factors such as leading a hectic lifestyle and poor eating habits that range from eating at odd hours to eating quickly and unbalanced. Activia®, as an expert brand in digestive health, shares some tips on how to give our gastric system a hand, thus improving our quality of life.  Get inspired to set challenges and adopt a healthy lifestyle! Always keep in mind the benefits that this change will bring you and reward yourself for the achievements obtained. Remember that there is nothing more valuable than feeling well from within.  Drink at least 2 liters of water daily While also maintaining a correct and balanced diet that includes the 3 food groups: vegetables and fruits, cereals, legumes, and animal-derived foods (fats and proteins).  Engage in regular physical activity as it helps keep your body active and energized. According to experts from the Agoralucis Yoga Center, practicing yoga allows you to work the abdominal area, helping to release accumulated stress; likewise, practicing relaxation helps connect with your inner self, generating a sense of harmony, well-being, and balance. Consume probiotics According to Elisa Gómez, a digestive health specialist and spokesperson for the Activia® brand, consuming certain types of probiotics as part of a proper diet is a simple way that could contribute to maintaining adequate digestive health. You can find certain probiotics in their highest expression within yogurt. “Activia® is a yogurt that not only contains essential nutrients for the body like calcium and proteins but also has up to 10 billion of the exclusive probiotic Bifidus Actiregularis® that survives through the gastrointestinal tract and can help improve digestive health by reducing certain digestive discomforts. Today we also share the news that Activia® expands its product family with two new cereals: Strawberry with granola, chia, and flaxseed and Natural with granola, chia, and flaxseed, offering you a healthy combination that supports your digestive health. To make the most of the products that Activia® has for you, here are five delicious and healthy recipes: Yogurt Mousse Yogurt Popsicles Yogurt with Kiwi Chicken Kebabs Marinated in Yogurt Raspberry and Yogurt Smoothie