This will make you lose FAT and gain MUSCLE
Kiwilimón - 2018-10-16T09:23:16.496273Z
How to lose fat quickly? The growth hormone is responsible for the fact that the younger we are, the easier it is to maintain low body fat levels and gain muscle definition, but why does this happen?
This hormone controls the metabolism responsible for the burning of fatty acids to be used as energy and lose fat.
Additionally, it promotes the growth of lean body mass. It increases the amount of protein in muscles and vital organs, as well as calcium uptake in bones.
It even helps reduce glucose absorption by the muscle and stops the conversion of amino acids into glucose.
This last point is fundamental because it means that in fasting states, it prevents muscle from being used as energy, or being burned as it is commonly said. According to research from the American Diabetes Association.
Beware of high carbohydrate diets!
That is why very high carbohydrate diets; or those very restrictive in high biological value protein; make you lose muscle while your fat remains intact and well accumulated!
Moreover, a 2008 study in the Annals of Internal Medicine on the effects of growth hormone in sports establishes that when there are high levels of insulin (which occur when you overeat), growth hormone levels decrease, and vice versa.
When you fast, growth hormone levels rise and ghrelin levels drop, meaning you burn more fat and feel less hungry:
After six hours of not eating anything -considered a fast-, insulin levels drop and makes you hungrier (due to ghrelin); but if you overcome that strong craving and do not eat, the circulating ghrelin in your blood starts the release of growth hormone.
It will make you thirsty but not ravenously hungry. This should occur at night while we sleep. That is why when you eat with discipline and moderation, the production of growth hormone is high and ghrelin is low.
So the recommendation is to have a light dinner and preferably three hours before sleeping, to allow the processes that lead to greater growth hormone release to occur properly, which peaks in the early morning.
If you have a dinner very high in carbohydrates, this does not happen! Because insulin will be present for a large part of the night.
As we age, hormone levels decline; however, this is more related to the amount of visceral fat (in the center of the body). Therefore, to stimulate the production of growth hormone, follow these tips:
Sleep adequately for more than 6 hours
There are peaks of release during the early morning while you sleep.
Try to have dinner at least 3 hours before going to bed
Avoid eating immediately before sleeping. Especially something with many carbohydrates, I suggest a protein shake or a salad with fish.
Occasionally fast for a short time. For example, have a detox day once a week or every two weeks, where you do not eat - it will bring you benefits, both metabolic and digestive! For example: one option is to have a day where you have a protein shake for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and eat cucumbers, celery, or some green vegetable if you feel like eating.
Do intense exercise and do not eat before or during it
Intense refers to exercising large muscle groups to fatigue; short rests; above 80% of MHR; doing sprints. Short blocks (maximum 30 seconds of effort vs. 15 to 30 seconds of rest; for 20 to 30 minutes)
Carry a sugar packet in case you are not used to it and feel tired during training.
Finally, maintain a low-carbohydrate diet to keep blood insulin levels low and steady.
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