cooking tips
6 Uses of Vinegar That Will Surprise You
Kiwilimón - 2019-05-29T08:41:24.666043Z
Vinegar is, like salt and sugar, one of those ingredients that is always in the kitchen, but that we use very rarely. Don't let it gather dust at the back of your pantry. Instead, take advantage of this popular liquid with these 6 uses of vinegar you never imagined. Hair ConditionerOne of the uses of vinegar that we rarely hear about is that it can help keep your hair soft. Although it may seem hard to believe, using vinegar in the shower can make your hair silkier and shinier. After washing it as you normally do, pour a little diluted apple cider vinegar in water. Let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse it out. Your hair will be super soft and radiant.Fabric SoftenerMany of the products we use for cleaning at home contain chemicals that end up contaminating the environment. A natural and eco-friendly alternative for washing clothes is vinegar. Add half a cup of white vinegar directly to the rinse water and set the normal cycle. The vinegar will completely eliminate soap residues, making your clothes softer. Of course, it probably won’t have that wonderful smell of roses or chocolate, but it’s a great option. Stain RemoverAnother of the uses of vinegar is that it can be a great ingredient for removing stains, both on clothing and on kitchen or bathroom surfaces. Make a paste by mixing vinegar with baking soda and apply it directly to the stain. Let it sit for about 15 minutes and then gently scrub. When used in the kitchen, you can say goodbye to any grease or grime residue. Sore Throat TreatmentWhen your throat is irritated or you feel discomfort, you can treat it using apple cider vinegar. Combine warm water (be careful that it’s not too hot) with vinegar and a teaspoon of honey. Gargle with this mixture and you’ll see how you feel better in no time.All-Purpose CleanerIt’s important to remember that vinegar is basically acetic acid. This makes it ideal for cleaning stains and grease residues. If you also combine it with lemon juice and baking soda, you will get a very effective cleaner.Toner for the SkinSome people claim that apple cider vinegar has antibacterial properties. For this reason, it is recommended for the care of oily skin. In fact, it has been mentioned that the best way to apply it is to mix it with water and apply it directly with a soft cotton ball. This will help you deeply cleanse your skin and get rid of impurities. Remember that it all depends on your skin type and its sensitivity. Also, do not use this homemade remedy too frequently. Do you know any other uses of vinegar? Share your tips with us in the comments!Recipes you might be interested in:Chicken Breasts with Mustard and Honey SauceLamb in Balsamic Vinegar ReductionAlfredo Pasta with Asparagus