How to remove grease stains from containers
cooking tips

How to remove grease stains from containers

By Eloísa Carmona - 2020-08-20T11:26:12Z
If the grease that accumulates on the stove or cabinets can be difficult to remove, when it sticks to a container and even stains it, it seems like a nightmare. It doesn’t matter if you stored pasta or mole, that orange layer stays in your plastic container and you have no idea how to remove grease stains.The vinegar can be a great ally for removing grease, but it cannot be used on porous surfaces, and plastic is one of them, so what can you use to remove the orange stains from containers?To win this battle against grease stains in plastic containers, we have two very useful methods that you can use without the need to buy utensils or products, as one only requires dish soap, hot water, and a paper towel, and for the other, baking soda.Let’s start with the simplest way to remove grease stains from containers using baking soda. Once you have emptied your container, before attempting to wash it, sprinkle baking soda on the affected areas of the plastic and let it sit for at least half an hour. Then simply wipe it clean with a paper towel.This trick for removing grease works because the baking soda adheres to the grease and then when you wipe it off, the container is free of the stain. After that, just wash it with water and soap, and you’re done.The second way to remove grease from your container we learned on TikTok, where one can find very useful kitchen tricks, like how to prevent an avocado from browning, or this one, on how to remove grease stains from containers.With a video that already has over 500 thousand views, we can easily deduce that removing grease stains from plastic containers is a common problem for everyone, so it’s worth sharing because it’s also very simple.You just need to put a little dish soap directly into the container you want to clean, add enough hot water to cover the stained area, and a small piece of disposable paper towel. Close the container with all of this inside and start shaking it for about 45 seconds, recommends the user who uploaded the video, @adikempler, and you’re done.Try both tricks and let us know which one was more effective or if you have an easier method to get rid of the orange stains on plastic containers.