5 ingredients to keep you happy
Eloísa Carmona - 2021-01-19T16:30:10Z
Beyond the pleasure of food flavors, there are some foods that also help you stay happy, as they are nutritious, light, help you stay active all day, and also keep sadness at bay.Here are 7 ingredients to keep you happy and follow the happiness diet every day.Dark chocolateWhat makes dark chocolate magical is not just its delicious taste; the antioxidants in dark chocolate can be very helpful in reducing stress hormone levels in the body, thus inducing a feeling of happiness.CoffeeIn addition to being the perfect fuel for mornings, coffee, when consumed in moderation, can have a range of health benefits beyond keeping you happy, as research shows it reduces the risk of depression in both men and women.BerriesA cup of berries such as raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, or blueberries may not be common on your table, but they are the perfect snack for the happiness diet. According to research, the anthocyanins in berries (an antioxidant) can reduce inflammation related to depression.OystersOysters are famous for boosting libido, but they can also be beneficial for your emotional well-being. These mollusks are a great source of zinc and vitamin B12, which improve mood and memory.Green teaGreen tea is one of the healthiest beverages in the world, as it has benefits not only for your body but also for your mental health. Research on this ingredient shows that people who drink three to five cups of green tea a day are likely to have lower stress levels compared to those who do not regularly drink green tea. You can incorporate green tea in various ways, for example, in your smoothies or in your fruit bowls.