Curious Facts

8 home activities that do burn calories

By Eloísa Carmona - 2020-05-11T18:44:18Z
Spending time at home can be challenging, but if you are one of those people who likes to see the glass half full, you will find that there are several activities at home that can help you stay active and even burn calories, without the need to search for workout routines.You shouldn't feel guilty if you can't make it to your yoga or crossfit sessions right now, or for not having run 5 kilometers, because you can improve your fitness simply by keeping your home clean and organized.Check out our keto recipes if you are looking for ideas to follow this type of diet.For example, an average person can burn up to 220 calories after just half an hour of simple household chores. This is the same as a high-impact aerobics class and more than a yoga class.According to Pete McCall, a physiologist at the American Council on Exercise, research has shown that “people who are physically active throughout the day can burn an additional 300 calories per day.”The explanation for these additional 300 calories per day may come from what is called non-exercise activity thermogenesis, which explains the energy expended when you are not sleeping, eating, or engaging in structured physical activities such as running or playing sports.This type of activity includes things like walking or cycling for transport, typing on the computer, working in the yard, and cleaning the house.So pay attention, because with these home activities that do burn calories, we will help motivate you to clean with enthusiasm.Mopping floors can burn 170 calories per hourSweeping can burn up to 156 calories per hour.Cleaning surfaces can burn up to 136 calories per hour.Vacuuming for an hour burns 170 calories.Dusting for an hour burns 166 calories.Washing the car burns 314 calories per hour.Cleaning windows for an hour burns 231 calories.Carrying groceries up the stairs can burn up to 440 calories per hour.As you can see, you have to do this with enthusiasm and for at least an hour, so get ready for a deep clean.If you want to kick it up a notch, when you're washing the dishes, you can increase calorie burn by standing on one leg, for example.If you're looking to work harder, put on some music while you mop and dance like nobody's watching (dancing can burn up to 219 calories if you weigh around 72 kilos).So maybe next time it's your turn to wash the dishes, you won't feel lazy and you'll think about how that simple household activity keeps you fit without having to go to the gym.Don't forget to maintain a balanced diet; here are some tips from a nutritionist to eat well during quarantine.