Curious Facts

Banana tea for insomnia and other benefits

By Eloísa Carmona - 2020-11-06T11:39:35Z
We know that cinnamon tea is good for digestion, that arnica tea helps with muscle pain, and that avocado pit can also be used to make tea, but did you know that there is also banana tea and what its benefits are?Bananas are very nutritious, have a sweet flavor that everyone enjoys, and serve as a main ingredient in many recipes, so it's not surprising that they are used to make a relaxing tea.Here we will tell you more about banana tea, how it helps with insomnia, other health benefits, and how to prepare it.How to make banana tea?Banana tea can be made with or without the peel, as it involves boiling a piece of banana simply, then removing it and drinking the remaining liquid. If it is made only with the peel, it is generally known as banana peel tea.Most people who drink this infused banana tea add a touch of cinnamon or honey to enhance its flavor and generally drink it at night to help them sleep.Benefits of banana teaAlthough there is no detailed nutritional information on banana tea, it can be inferred that it contains some water-soluble nutrients found in bananas, such as vitamin B6, potassium, magnesium, manganese, and copper.While soaking bananas may release these nutrients, you will not get as much from them as when you eat the whole fruit, but they are important minerals for heart health and sleep quality.In addition to these benefits, banana tea contains the following properties:Antioxidants. Bananas are naturally rich in water-soluble antioxidants, including dopamine and galocatechin, which may help combat free radicals. The peel has much higher levels of antioxidants than the flesh, so adding it to the tea during preparation can increase the intake of these molecules.Helps with inflammation. Banana tea is high in potassium, an important mineral and electrolyte for regulating fluid balance, healthy blood pressure, and muscle contractions. Thus, the potassium and water content in banana tea may help counteract inflammation due to a high-salt diet by signaling the kidneys to excrete more sodium in the urine.Helps with insomnia. Banana tea contains three main nutrients that many people claim help improve sleep: potassium, magnesium, and tryptophan. However, there is still not enough scientific evidence that has examined the effectiveness of banana tea as a sleep aid.If you try making banana tea, slice off both ends before boiling it and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes. If you decide to include the peel, in addition to slicing the ends, gently rinse the whole banana under running water to remove dirt.