Curious Facts

Don't throw it away! Make avocado seed tea and take advantage of its properties

By Eloísa Carmona - 2020-07-23T15:21:21Z
The avocado not only provides you with good fats and tastes delicious on toast or guacamole, but you can also make tea with the seed and gain many other benefits.Avocado seed tea has a bitter taste that can be easily balanced with natural sweeteners or by combining it with other foods and has become popular especially among fitness enthusiasts around the world.The benefits of avocado seed tea are many, but the following stand out:Avocado seeds are also effective in fighting bad cholesterol.Avocados are a good source of antioxidants that help combat free radical damage, and the antioxidants in avocado seeds can prevent certain diseases.Avocado seeds are a source of fiber, which helps promote satiety.They are also a good source of calcium.Avocado tea can be very beneficial for digestion and, for example, if you feel heavy or have been constipated, drinking it will help relieve your stomach.The tea is full of anti-inflammatory properties and helps reduce the pain caused by swelling.Like the fruit, the avocado seed is also a very good source of potassium.Being a rich source of vitamin C, avocado seeds also have benefits for the skin and induce a natural glow.How to take advantage of the benefits of avocado seed teaDrinking a hot cup of this tea after a meal can help you boost digestion, thanks to the soluble fiber from the avocado seed. If you have a stomach ache, the tea can also help relieve it and reduce inflammation.To prepare it, heat a cup of water and boil the avocado seed for a little over 5 minutes; this helps soften the seed. Once it is soft, carefully take it out of the water and cut it into small pieces, then grind it in a food processor, blender, or you can also use a coffee grinder.To make avocado seed tea, place the avocado seed powder in a container with hot water and simmer over low heat for a few minutes. Ready, once you serve it, you can sweeten it with a few drops of honey or any other natural sweetener for better flavor.The next time you open an avocado, don't throw away the seed and better take advantage of the properties of this source of calcium, fiber, antioxidants, potassium, and vitamin C. Its benefits will help you fight bad cholesterol and free radical damage, improve your digestion, and reduce inflammation.