How to keep fresh eggs for longer?
Curious Facts

How to keep fresh eggs for longer?

By Eloísa Carmona - 2022-04-27T09:12:16Z
The egg is a staple food that we generally always include in our supermarket shopping, as it is key for many dishes in Mexican cuisine. However, the fact that it is so common in our kitchen may have made us forget some good practices for storing it.For example, we already know that eggs should not be washed, but when it comes to storing them in our kitchen, should they go in the pantry or the refrigerator for better preservation? Is it better to keep them in their carton or remove it? Next, we clarify these doubts.Many people are used to storing eggs in the refrigerator, while others have small baskets or egg trays to keep them in the pantry or on a kitchen surface where they are easily accessible.The short answer to where eggs should be properly stored is either of the two mentioned options, but if you are looking to keep them fresh for longer, then the refrigerator is what you need.The main factor for keeping eggs fresh is maintaining a constant temperature, as temperature fluctuations can cause salmonella in eggs. Therefore, the best place to store eggs is in the refrigerator, where they can last up to 5 weeks. To achieve this goal of preserving them for a longer time, you should store the eggs in the coldest part of the fridge and not in the door, where we usually do, because this way temperature fluctuations are further reduced.The best way to store eggs in the refrigerator is in their own cardboard or plastic packaging, as these materials do a better job of cushioning and preventing breakage. Additionally, by keeping them stored, you have the expiration date marked and visible.On the other hand, eggshells are disinfected before packaging the product, so they lose their natural protective oils, making it easier for the thousands of tiny pores in the shells to absorb strong odors that often exist in our refrigerators. Thus, keeping them in their original closed box will also help protect them from absorbing strange food odors that may be circulating. Finally, try to position the eggs with the pointed end down, as there is a natural air bubble on the rounded side of each egg that helps keep the yolk more centered inside, which in turn will help the eggs stay fresh for longer.