Curious Facts

January Alcohol-Free: A Healthy Way to Start the Year

By Eloísa Carmona - 2022-01-11T09:43:23Z
In December, we not only gather to share food, but it is also a month when we tend to drink a lot. So, to start the year fresh, with a little more money and energy, you might want to try January Alcohol-Free.A month without consuming has several benefits; for example, it helps reset your relationship with these types of beverages and can also help you lose weight or even manage your blood sugar levels.Dry January began in 2012 as an initiative by Alcohol Change UK, a British charity, aimed at getting rid of the hangover, reducing the waistline, and saving a lot of money by giving up alcohol for 31 days.Now millions of people participate in this challenge, and it has expanded to the United States, where more Americans are realizing each year the benefits of trying sobriety for a month.The growing awareness arises as recent studies have found no evidence that light alcohol consumption can help keep people healthy. In fact, more than five drinks a week on average can take years off a person's life, according to researchers.Quitting a habit only takes three weeks, and trying a month without alcohol could provide you with the following benefits and make a significant difference:For example, a study found that regular drinkers who abstained from alcohol for just one month experienced a “rapid decrease” in certain chemical messengers in the blood associated with cancer progression. Participants also saw improvements in their insulin resistance, weight, and blood pressure.Nearly three-quarters (71%) of people who participated in Dry January reported sleeping better, and 67% had more energy, according to a study from the University of Sussex. More than half, 58%, lost weight, and 54% reported better skin.So if among your New Year's resolutions you included drinking less or losing weight, trying this month-long challenge would be a great way to put into practice what you want to achieve. You can also follow our detox challenge, which the nutritionists at Kiwilimón designed to give your body a break from processed foods, with nutritious and light meals.