Diets and Nutrition

10 podcasts to help you eat better

By Kiwilimón - 2019-11-15T10:55:13Z
In a world where we are always in a hurry, what we want the most is to make the most of our time. Thus, podcasts have emerged as an alternative to music to make the most of our commutes home, while exercising, or during long workdays. What is a podcast?A podcast is an audio file, mostly free, that you can download and listen to on your computer or mobile device whenever you want. There are podcasts on any topic; it's like having a radio show tailored to your needs, available at any time.Podcasts not only entertain us but also teach us. Through them, we can learn inspiring stories, and they can also be a very useful tool when you want to know more about a specific topic.For example, about nutrition, a topic that is becoming increasingly important as people seek health and well-being; surely these podcasts will help you on your journey to learn how to eat better. Bien ComerBien Comer communicates clearly and based on evidence everything you need to know about healthy weight loss, nutritional benefits of certain foods, and practical tips for building a new lifestyle.Comiendo con MaríaComiendo con María is the nutrition and dietetics podcast. Here, you will find everything you need to maintain a diet that will help you gain health.Nutrición AmorosaIn this podcast, you will learn to nourish yourself, but above all, to love yourself. With guest specialists, Judith wants you to learn to love yourself. Nutrición al Día Blood sugar control, flu prevention, and candida are some of the topics covered in this podcast and how nutrition influences people’s well-being. Radio Fitness Revolucionario The Radio de Fitness Revolucionario is a podcast featuring interviews with people who are providing a more comprehensive and rigorous view of health.Fitness en la nube This podcast is more dedicated to sports nutrition. Mistakes in a low-carb diet, intermittent fasting, and eating healthy on a budget are some of the topics where you can learn more about nutrition and how to use it to achieve your goals. Nutritional Gothic: Escenas de NutrimonioNutritional Gothic is a podcast hosted by two experts who, with scientific rigor, clarify vital topics about nutrition.Vida potencial/Salud, Nutrición y Estilo de vida Vida Potencial is a podcast about health, nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle aiming for well-being and longevity. Diario de un dietista-Estoy sano A very comprehensive podcast that provides a lot of information to debunk myths and learn about eating better. Nutrition Matters Podcast This podcast focuses more on healing from within and achieving emotional well-being to reconcile with who you are rather than discussing calorie topics. These podcasts will surely be an excellent ally in the process of taking care of yourself inside and out.