Diets and Nutrition

5 tips to include more fruits and vegetables in your daily diet

By Kiwilimón - 2018-10-16T09:13:26.524725Z
It is a fact that we should include more fruits and vegetables in our daily diet, and even with all the times that our nutritionists, doctors, and parents repeat it to us, we often do not give it the importance it deserves. The fact is that we need to include more fruits and vegetables in our daily diet, and we have 5 tips for you to do it as soon as possible. Perhaps we could convince you if you consider that consuming fruits and vegetables can be a source of youth. They are high in vitamins, fiber, antioxidants, nutrients, and water. With a minimal change in our daily diet, we can start eating better and consequently feeling better. Remember that one of the ways children can eat more vegetables is by example, so don’t wait any longer to change your eating routine and start enjoying overall well-being in your body. 1. Boost Your Breakfast Never skip breakfast; it is very important. This way, you will kickstart your metabolism, increase your performance in any activity due to the energy from the foods you consume, and maintain your weight. How to do it? You can add berries to your pancakes or French toast. Dried fruits like apples or fresh fruit of your choice work well with your yogurt, cereal, or oatmeal. You can also make a smoothie with low-fat milk and frozen fruits. To include vegetables, you can add bell peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms, and/or onions to your eggs, in an omelet or a vegetarian panini that does not include meat and has some cereal like flaxseed. A glass of juice is infallible; you get all the nutrients, just watch the quantity and preferably only drink it at breakfast. If for some reason you don’t have time for breakfast, make sure to have whole fresh fruit on hand, like apples, bananas, or guavas, that you can eat on the go. Cooking Recipes Pear Smoothie. This pear smoothie will keep you full throughout the day and can be used for the detox diet pear smoothie. View recipe here Pancakes with Peaches (video). These pancakes have peach halves on top, giving them a totally different and delicious touch. I love them to change up the typical. They are served with maple syrup. View recipe here   2. Double the Amount of Vegetables It's not difficult to start eating more vegetables; you can include them in all dishes, soups, salads, pastas, sandwiches, pizzas, stews, snacks, you can find a portion of them in all, just double the portion. How to do it? When it comes to soup, it won’t be hard to include more chopped vegetables; if it’s a cream, you can put some pieces of the same vegetable to complement the flavor. Consequently, your soups will taste better, have greater nutritional value, and you will increase your daily vegetable intake. Pizzas are a perfect option to add more vegetables; you can make your own creations with a little creativity. You can do the same with stews, with few ingredients. For sides, you can replace non-vegetable items with anything, like eggplants with parmesan cheese. Sandwiches are no exception. Don’t settle for just putting a slice of tomato; you can include more ingredients like bell pepper, cucumber, spinach, zucchini. They are a canvas waiting to be painted; you can also add apple if you want to vary the flavor. Cooking Recipes Caprese Sandwich. Delicious and fresh sandwiches that remind you of the flavor of Caprese salad. View recipe here Margarita Pizza. Instead of buying or ordering your pizzas, why not make one at home? Your whole family will love it! View recipe here   3. Create Your Own Recipes There is nothing wrong with getting your hands dirty and getting into the kitchen to create your own dishes. This way, you can include as many vegetables as you want. How to do it? Grate different vegetables and combine them to make a salad, or to add to your hamburger, like carrot and zucchini. Stuff your meatballs with vegetables. Make different types of puree and not just potato. You can make cauliflower puree, which is also very tasty. Additionally, whether it’s potato or cauliflower puree, you can add a bit of diced vegetables like zucchini or red peppers, also to pasta or rice. Indulge yourself with oven-baked dishes. Both fruits and vegetables are healthy and delicious; there is no tastier way to enjoy them prepared in the oven, in breads, cakes, cookies, snacks, savory tarts, etc. The list is endless. Cooking Recipes Spring Vegetable Paella. A delicious and healthy way to prepare a paella without working for hours. This saffron rice dish includes artichokes, carrots, asparagus, turnips, potatoes, and chickpeas. View recipe here Panna Cotta with Raspberry Coulis. Panna cotta is a typical dessert from the Italian region of Piedmont. It is similar to a flan but with a softer and denser texture thanks to the gelatin it contains. View recipe here   4. Choose a Meatless Day Choose one day a week when you do not eat any meat; this way, you will be increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat. This method is infallible! Plus, you can reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, and you may even save more because vegetables and fruits are cheaper. How to do it? First, choose the day when you will not eat any meat. Prepare your menu in advance. There are many recipes you can include without having to eat meat and still feel satisfied, such as couscous, wild rice, salads, quinoa, pasta, soups, sandwiches, etc. Cooking Recipes Vegetarian Mushroom Ceviche. Delicious and fresh mushroom ceviche; I love this ceviche because you can use the same ingredients to make sausage, shrimp, tuna ceviche, etc. View recipe here Vegetarian Pastor. It is a vegetarian adaptation of traditional tacos al pastor, filled with gluten protein to eat without guilt during diet stages. View recipe here   5. Don’t Skip Dessert Without a doubt, one of my favorites. There is nothing better than finishing our meals with a delicious sweet treat. But keep in mind that even here, we can still include seasonal fruits. Remember that natural sweetness from fruits is very healthy. How to do it? Prepare natural fruit tarts and double their fruit content. Freeze fruits like bananas or grapes, and you’ll see what a delicious snack they make. You can also dip the fruit in melted chocolate and put it in the freezer for a healthier and quicker dessert. You can also include a bit of ice cream or frozen yogurt as dessert and eat it with some natural fruit like berries, mangoes, peaches, depending on the flavor of the ice cream. Cooking Recipes Yogurt Cups with Granola and Fruits. These yogurt cups with granola and fruits are a healthy and delicious breakfast in under 15 minutes! View recipe here Frozen Kiwi Pops. Delicious and nutritious frozen pops! They are an ideal dessert for diets and for diabetics! View recipe here . . 3 More Tips: 1. Eat More Salads. Whether fruit or vegetable, include at least one salad a day. The amazing thing about them is that you can start the day with a fruit salad, in the afternoon you can opt for a green salad or one with some meats or cheeses, and at dinner, some veggie sticks or chopped fruit. To see our salad recipes, click here   2. Try Smoothies. Smoothies are an excellent option to add more fruit to your diet. There are mango, papaya, strawberry, anyway, it doesn’t matter which one you like the most; you can try a different one every day. They are ideal for starting the day with a lot of energy. To see our smoothie recipes, click here   3. Try Some Dips. Dips are a mixture of ingredients that can accompany some snacks. If you feel like something healthier, you can prepare for the afternoon a few carrot and cucumber sticks and pair them with a tasty dip. To see our dip recipes, click here If you want to see all the recipes we have, click here