Diets and Nutrition

Consume these foods, and you will have a better mood EVERY MONDAY

By Kiwilimón - 2018-10-08T17:07:52.919533Z
We have all experienced a day when we wake up in a bad mood for no apparent reason and feel unhappy or dissatisfied throughout the day. Any situation annoys you, and at the slightest provocation, you seem to explode. Does this sound familiar? Before you beat yourself up for being bitter, consider what you have been eating lately. Believe it or not, your bad mood may be due to poor nutrition. Here’s what you should eat to wake up with a smile every day (including Mondays): Blue Fish Your bad mood isn’t just due to traffic or work stress. If you are deficient in omega 3 fatty acids, you may experience depressive moods. Consume salmon and sardines, and you will feel much better every day. Sunday, healthy day. #sunday #sundaylunch #lunch #homemade #baguette #cerealbaguette #philadelphia #cheese #salmon #saumon #salade #pepper #lotsofpepper #yumyum #afterswim #aftesport #goodfood #healthyfood #healthy A photo posted by Patti (@patriciagodart) on Sep 11, 2016 at 3:41 PDT Recommended Recipe: We recommend these delicious salmon recipes. Dark Chocolate The delicious taste of chocolate is not just a placebo. Dark chocolate causes the brain to release endorphins and increases serotonin levels. The next time you feel stressed or anxious, try a bit of chocolate, and you will see how you feel calmer after a few minutes. Bonheur! ❤️ #chocolat #mousseauchocolat #chocolatnoir #ilovechocolate #chocolovers #lecharmant A photo posted by Le Charmant (@lecharmantgourmet) on Sep 1, 2016 at 2:28 PDT Banana The combination of insomnia, depression, and stress can lead even the happiest person to a nearly permanent bad mood. Counteract the effects of fatigue and anxiety with daily doses of tryptophan, the amino acid responsible for raising serotonin levels, and potassium – both found in bananas. #nachtisch #banane #nuttella #grillen#موز #نوتلا #کبابی #بزن #بخور A photo posted by Adel shalizar (@adash_14) on Sep 11, 2016 at 1:33 PDT Recommended Recipe: Try this exquisite banana bread with a bit of chocolate. Leafy Greens The vitamins in the B-complex are known for their great benefits in neuronal function. When your brain isn’t at 100%, in addition to feeling tired, you may feel irritable or anxious. Eat spinach and broccoli to improve your mood. Lyonnaise salad! Yum #spinach #like #bacon #cheesecracker #yum #follow #softboiledeggs #redonion #instadaily #foodporn #foodgasm #pocatello #foodie #instapic #salad #lyonnaise #homemade #wannabechef #ilovebacon #egg #nomnom #smarteatting A photo posted by @kadilefoods on Sep 11, 2016 at 7:01 PDT Blueberries Although it may seem hard to believe, this small fruit has components very similar to valproic acid, which is used to lessen mood swings in people suffering from manic-depressive disorders. Can you think of a better lunch for those days full of meetings? Когда я была маленькой, то каждое лето ⛱родители отвозили меня к бабушке с дедушкой в деревню во Владимирской области, где я с удовольствием проводила три месяца своих детских историй... На сей день прошло уж много времени, что воспоминания эти начинают притупляться и лишь фотокарточки служат неоспоримым доказательством. К примеру, та, на которой я сижу около ведра полного брусники и, склонившись над своей прелестью, ем по ягодке руками прям из ведра. В этом же году все было поскромнее, захотелось приготовить пирог для близких из того скромного пакетика, что привезли мне родители как раз из той самой деревни.) Оказывается, найти хороший рецепт брусничного пирога не так то просто, но @__h_e_l_l__ меня очень выручила.) Всем было очень вкусно.)^^ A photo posted by Анастасия&Александр (@kyrkymali) on Sep 11, 2016 at 10:27 PDT Recommended Recipe: Take a healthy and delicious lunch by preparing these blueberry scones. Tell us, what do you do when you feel grumpy?