Does drinking plenty of water help with weight loss?

Does drinking plenty of water help with weight loss?

By Eloísa Carmona - 2020-12-28T13:48:49Z
Yes, drinking plenty of water helps with weight loss, but it's not as simple as it seems, because just by drinking a few more glasses of water a day, you won't wake up with fewer pounds. However, scientific evidence does suggest that making it part of your daily routine can have many benefits.Basically, this works because 60% of the body is made up of water, so this transparent, calorie-free liquid is involved in almost all bodily functions, and what research suggests is that the more hydrated you are, the more efficiently your body will work in its daily tasks, including burning body fat.Benefits of drinking water when you want to lose weightScience has shown that water can help with weight loss in various ways. It can suppress appetite, boost metabolism, and make exercise easier and more efficient, which could translate into results on the scale.Here are some of the benefits of drinking water for weight loss:1. Water can help you naturally reduce appetiteFeeling hungry doesn't always mean your body is asking for food; in fact, many times we confuse thirst with hunger. For this reason, if you drink water instead of eating, you could decrease your appetite.On the other hand, drinking water can promote satiety because it moves quickly through the system and stretches the stomach, which sends a fullness message to the brain. It has also been shown that, although the results are temporary, consuming water just before a meal can help reduce food intake.2. Drinking water could help reduce total liquid calorie intakeSince water contains no calories, choosing it instead of higher-calorie alternatives like juice, soda, sweetened tea, or coffee can reduce your total liquid calorie intake. If you choose water instead of a standard soda, you will drink 250 calories less.3. Water helps with exerciseWater is essential for the body during exercise because it dissolves minerals including sodium, potassium, and magnesium, known as electrolytes, and distributes them throughout the body so that their electrical energy triggers the muscle contractions needed for movement.Additionally, being properly hydrated can improve your workouts by reducing fatigue, allowing you to exercise longer and burn more calories.4. Water helps eliminate waste from the bodyWater facilitates urine production, which is largely composed of water, and the movement of feces, as water keeps stools soft. In other words, the more hydrated you are, the easier it will be for your system to move things along, and you are less likely to suffer from constipation and bloating.Finally, one of the most common questions on the internet is how many liters of water we should drink per day, for which there is already a Good Drinking Jug, which indicates that we should drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day; however, water is also found in fruits and vegetables, for example, so unless you are an athlete, a baby, or a person with a medical condition, your water intake should be dictated by your thirst.Regarding weight loss, remember that there are many other factors involved, such as behaviors and physiological predispositions, but if your goal is moderate long-term weight loss, staying hydrated can be a good start.