January Diets
Kiwilimón - 2018-10-16T09:15:43.337713Z
In January, many diets come to light; here we present some of the most popular ones in 2014 so you can know the pros and cons of committing to these eating regimens.
January is a month of new beginnings and personal improvement. When we talk about losing weight and improving health, the first thing many think of is diets. As with everything, there are good and bad ones, and this time of year also brings many new options. These are some of the diets you will be hearing about; take note so you can know which one suits you best if you decide to go on a diet.
Juice Cleanse
If some of your friends are always carrying bottles of green juice everywhere, then you can bet they are on this diet. It involves spending weeks consuming only pureed or juiced fruits and vegetables to cleanse the body. It is known that you can get many vitamins and energy from this diet, although some detractors claim it slows down your metabolism.
Mediterranean Diet
Just like our friends from the old continent, this diet is based on eating fish, vegetables, grains, and olive oil; in fact, a glass of wine with meals is even allowed. It is said to be a well-balanced diet that also helps reduce the risk of cancer and diabetes.
The Master Cleanse
If you think the juice diet is too easy, then this one might seem like a real challenge. It involves stopping solid food for a few days and replacing it with a lemon water mixture with honey and cayenne pepper. This diet aims to detoxify you, but it is known to be dangerous as you may faint and feel weak during the day.
Okinawa Diet
The inhabitants of this place have one of the longest life expectancies in the world, which is supposed to be due to their diet. It is based on fish, often raw, steamed rice, whole grains, little meat, and plenty of vegetables. Their diet is rich in antioxidants and helps improve health, as well as toning muscles.
Discover the diet section that Kiwilimón has for you here and lose weight while eating deliciously.