Most Popular Diet Trends in the World

Most Popular Diet Trends in the World

By Kiwilimón - 2020-12-28T15:59:09Z
How to lose weight is the dilemma that many people face day by day. Maintaining a healthy weight or keeping an ideal weight can become a problem, especially if we don't have the time to prepare healthier meals. Precisely for this reason, every year diets emerge that anyone can adapt to their lifestyle and adopt better eating habits. Here are some of the most popular diet trends in the world:Keto Diet. The effectiveness of the keto diet is based on ketosis, which is the moment when the body uses stored fat as fuel. To achieve this, it is necessary to eat foods high in fat and low in carbohydrates. While this diet is very effective, it is not recommended to follow it for long periods or for people with certain medical conditions. In this regimen, the body relies on fat consumption, so each meal must include at least one food high in fat. People on a 2000-calorie-per-day diet should consume around 165 g of fat, 40 g of carbohydrates, and 75 g of protein, approximately. Although individual needs may vary, this calculation can be used for the keto diet:60-75% of calories come from fats 15-30% of calories come from proteins 5-10% of calories come from carbohydrates  DASH Diet. DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. The DASH diet is ideal for combating high blood pressure and was number one in 2018 in the United States. The diet mainly consists of cereals and high-protein foods such as lean meats, nuts, legumes, etc., while avoiding all saturated fats: all whole dairy products, fatty meats, eggs, butter, etc. Meat can be a rich source of protein, B vitamins, iron, and zinc.Mediterranean Diet. This diet is very similar to the DASH diet, which is used to prevent cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc. The ideal here is to consume only natural products and avoid fats or red meat. In fact, it is recommended to use olive oil as the main fat, both for frying and for dressing. It is important in this diet to drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water and to consume a moderate amount of fish, preferably fatty fish, poultry, and eggs weekly; also nuts, honey, and olives in moderation.Vegan Diet. The most famous diet where all animal products are prohibited. Unlike other eating regimens that aim exclusively to lose weight or improve health, the vegan diet has more motivations than just losing weight. For example: moral issues regarding animals or the environment.YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED: 400 MENUS FOR VEGANSFlexitarian Diet. This is a type of vegetarian diet, but as its name suggests, it is more flexible. Its goal is to reduce as much as possible all animal products. You can eat fruits, vegetables, and grains in large quantities, but you should avoid animal products unless necessary. In fact, the word flexitarian comes from the composition of the terms flexible + vegetarian. It is worth noting that this diet is balanced, low in saturated fats and cholesterol, cardioprotective, high in nutrients and fiber. It aims to be high in Omega-3 fatty acids, high-quality proteins, and vitamin B12.Don't forget that the results of diets depend on how disciplined you are with them. None will work if you don't follow them to the letter and combine them with physical activity and a complete change of habits.