
Tips: Cooking the Best Lentils

By Kiwilimón - 2018-10-16T09:07:00.550572Z
Although it may not seem like it, making good lentils is a somewhat complicated task. Ensuring they don't stick, achieving the right consistency, or finding the perfect flavor depends on various factors. To prepare delicious lentils, an important trick is to use bottled water for cooking, and regarding the quantity, we should calculate that it rises about three fingers above the lentils. It is especially important that the lentil does not break or lose its skin, which will happen if we exceed the cooking time, but this is less likely to occur if we use high-quality lentils. To prevent them from falling apart and to control the development of the recipe, the advice is not to cook them in a pressure cooker. The best way to cook them is in a traditional pot, for example, clay, or in enameled or stainless steel containers, as otherwise, the lentils could become bitter. It will take longer to cook them, but the key to lentils is low heat. Another important point is not to stir them with a spoon, especially as the cooking time nears its end, as this will contribute to them falling apart. The best way to move the lentil stew is to hold the pot by the handles and gently shake it. For a good lentil dish, it's forbidden to add water during cooking, as they will then fall apart. If they come out too liquid, you can thicken the stew by mashing a couple of tablespoons and adding it to the pot of lentils. Finally, and only for emergencies, if we notice that they have started to stick, we should immediately place the pot in the sink with very cold water, leave it for a while, and change the lentils to another container. Many times this prevents the burnt flavor from spreading throughout the stew by stopping the cooking immediately. Recipes with Lentils: - Lentil Soup with Vegetables - Stewed Lentils - Lentil Soup with Curry - Lentils with Sweetbreads - Lentil Soup with Curry - Lentil Soup with Vegetables