Tips for losing weight effectively with detox diets
Kiwilimón - 2018-10-16T09:20:53.031695Z
Detox diets help the body eliminate toxins in many ways. Natural vegetarian diets include the necessary fiber to stimulate the intestines and promote healthy bowel movements. On the other hand, they provide the appropriate amounts of vitamins that the intestines and liver, as well as other elimination organs, need. They also include a valuable source of enzymes, as most of these diets are based on the consumption of raw foods.
Food is very important during cleansing and generally forms the basis of any detox program. These diets eliminate the most processed foods, which can cause many digestive issues. Foods like wheat (gluten) and dairy products (milk, cheese) are often the cause of allergies. Meats can contain hormones, antibiotics, and are difficult to digest. Caffeine should also be avoided, as it has many negative effects on the digestive process. Refined products and junk food should also be eliminated for any detox program to be successful.
A separate chapter deserves juices as they are an excellent source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Controlled juice fasting allows the body the appropriate time to process them and helps preserve our valuable digestive enzymes.
We recommend: Recipe for green detox juice
The 4 essential detoxes
Antioxidants. The function of antioxidants is so important that any deficiency can be considered catastrophic for a person's health. Antioxidants (vitamins A, E, and especially C) help cells neutralize free radicals that can damage them and cause mutations. When our antioxidants are low, energy is low, and detoxification cannot occur naturally. Therefore, toxins accumulate or are stored until they can be processed. The proper functioning of the liver - and many other organs - is affected when these levels are low.
Enzymes. The body needs an adequate supply of enzymes, not only for digestion but also for detoxification. The liver is the source of most of them. To help the body remove and eliminate waste and toxins, one can take dietary supplements that are enzyme-based daily (preferably between meals, so as not to interfere with digestion). They are mainly found in fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, but many of the foods we consume are processed, refined, cooked, exposed to radiation, and stored, which destroys them to the point of denaturation. Enzymes also help the intestines evacuate, as they liquefy intestinal contents and make transit much easier. Their role is to break down food for digestion and absorption. By doing so, they become more liquid, and the intestines eliminate much more easily and quickly. Transit time is shortened, and our health improves when toxins are removed and eliminated. Preserving enzymes is key to eradicating diseases and living a long, healthy life.
Seaweeds. Sea vegetables are large seaweeds that grow in the coastal waters of many countries. They are high in vitamins and iodine. One of their most important health benefits is their ability to remove radioactive strontium and other heavy metals from our bodies. Whole brown algae (such as kelp) contain an acid that encapsulates toxins in the intestines, making them indigestible and carrying them out of the system. Sea vegetables are highly caloric, very low in fats, and one of the richest sources of minerals in the plant kingdom since they have full access to the abundance of minerals found in the ocean. Nutrients are absorbed through the entire surface of the sea vegetable by the gentle action of underwater currents. Many of these minerals are identical to those in human blood, and are found in very similar concentrations. Seaweeds contain high amounts of calcium and phosphorus and are very rich in magnesium, iron, iodine, and sodium. They also contain vitamins A, B1, C, and E, as well as proteins and carbohydrates. They should not be consumed if one suffers from hypertension.
Microalgae. Spirulina and Chlorella are freshwater algae that contain more chlorophyll than any other vegetable. These dried microalgae are a rich source of protein, beta-carotene, and nucleic acids. Microalgae have been successfully used to improve immunity against certain diseases. However, approximately 30% of people do not tolerate Chlorella well. Spirulina has very similar qualities and is a good substitute.
And as always, the best advice: consult a professional before making any drastic changes to your diet.