Diets and Nutrition

Home remedies and effective treatments for nervous colitis

By Eloísa Carmona - 2020-05-21T14:44:32Z
Some of the symptoms of living with colitis include abdominal pain, constant inflammation, and it can sometimes be very confusing, presenting with constipation and then diarrhea. Thus, it is often necessary to identify and take care of everything we eat to avoid trigger foods. The causes of colitis are not yet precise, but it is part of different inflammatory bowel diseases, and it is known that stress and some genetic and immunological factors are part of the problem.Together with gastritis, the syndrome of colon or irritable bowel, better known as colitis, is very common among Mexicans, affecting around 30 percent of the population, especially women. On the other hand, since it is a chronic disease, you may have already learned to live with it, whether with medications, specific diets, or a more practical method like home remedies.So if you are looking for effective home remedies to relieve your colitis symptoms, the good news is that there are several, in addition to avoiding high-fat and sugary foods as much as possible.Home remedies and effective treatments for nervous colitisAlthough nervous colitis is not considered a serious condition, it can be disabling; moreover, it is never cured, it can only be controlled, so having these natural remedies at home will be very helpful.Eat raw carrotThe carrot is a good source of fiber, which will help with constipation. To get the best benefits it provides as a remedy for colitis, eat it raw.Of course, if you don't want to eat carrots alone, like a rabbit, we recommend doing so in simple salads, accompanied by other vegetables, such as jicama and cucumber, like this fresh salad, click here to see the recipe. Mint teaThe mint will help relieve pain and inflammation. To make it more effective, place fresh mint leaves and then add hot water; let it steep for a few minutes and drink your tea.Drink plenty of waterIf you live with colitis, it is important to drink six to eight glasses of water a day, especially if you have diarrhea. Also, try to limit your intake of carbonated beverages, which can cause gas and discomfort.Green teaGreen tea has prebiotic effects, meaning it contains indigestible fibers that promote the growth of good bacteria in the intestine. So don’t hesitate to drink it cold or hot.Aloe veraAloe vera has laxative properties that will help you regulate intestinal transit, and it is also anti-inflammatory. You can take it with a bit of lemon and water.These remedies will help with your colitis symptoms, but always remember to consult an expert to guide you with the foods that will help improve your intestinal function and never self-medicate.Check out these other beneficial drinks for your stomach:Lemon water with chaya and cucumberGreen juiceAnti-stress juice