Improve your digestion easily with these simple tricks
Diets and Nutrition

Improve your digestion easily with these simple tricks

By Kiwilimón - 2018-10-08T17:10:50.456471Z
Stay away from indigestion with the help of these principles, and improve your digestion easily. Watch the amount you eat in one sitting The stomach can expand to accommodate a volume of four liters, but that doesn't mean it should. The best way to know how much you should eat to avoid feeling indigested after a meal is your hands. In one meal, you shouldn’t eat more than what your two fists could hold. Increase your intake of digestive enzymes Digestive enzymes are an important part of the digestive process and while they are mostly produced in the human body, they are also found in raw foods. Therefore, make sure to incorporate plenty of raw and natural foods into your diet. Savor your food The way you eat your food affects your digestion. Therefore, whenever you eat, try to be seated in a relaxed posture and in an environment where you can enjoy your meal. Chew longer Try to eat by cutting your food into smaller pieces and chew them for a bit longer than you usually do. This technique helps you digest better as this process begins in the mouth with the help of saliva. Avoid very greasy foods Foods that are high in fat are harder to digest. For this reason, they can easily cause stomach discomfort. While you should not avoid healthy fats like avocado or olive oil, it is best to moderate animal fats or fried foods so that your body functions properly. Add probiotics to your diet Probiotics are cultures of bacteria that naturally live in our digestive system as part of your gut flora. They also inhabit foods like natural yogurt, kefir, and other fermented products. If you suffer from bloating after eating, try incorporating more fermented foods into your diet to increase the number of healthy bacteria in your body. Stay hydrated Drinking enough water throughout the day is good for your digestive health since, for efficient digestion, the intestines need water, which helps keep the process active, allowing you to be regular in the bathroom. Skip bad habits Excessive alcohol, coffee, and smoking disrupt your digestive function and contribute to problems like stomach ulcers and acidity.