
Home Remedies to Alleviate Gastritis

By Jessica Alcántara - 2020-12-28T16:12:08Z
Surely you have felt a burning sensation that burns from your stomach to your throat, passing through your chest, or a feeling of emptiness in your stomach, which means you probably belong to the 70% of the Mexican population that suffers from gastritis, according to data from IMSS.This disease, which is more common in women, is caused by factors that are very present in Mexican culture: stress, diet, alcohol consumption, tobacco, coffee, and some medications such as analgesics and anti-inflammatories; all of this irritates the gastric mucosa, causing inflammation.Gastritis generates stomach pain, reflux, and indigestion, and its main symptoms are feelings of emptiness, a hollow sensation in the stomach, burning that affects the esophagus, nausea, and vomiting.There are some natural ingredients that can help alleviate the ailments caused by gastritis; however, remember to consult your doctor whenever you have any suspicion.Eating GarlicGarlic has great properties and benefits, according to an article published in the Journal of Nutrition by the American Society of Nutrition, among which is its ability to help reduce the symptoms of gastritis, as its properties help coat the stomach. It has also been concluded that garlic is really effective in inhibiting the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, a bacteria that can cause gastritis. Crushing raw garlic and eating it may also work well.ProbioticsWe already know that probiotics are essential for our intestinal flora, but they are also great allies when it comes to gastritis. A study conducted by Argentine and German researchers at the Reference Center for Lactobacilli (CERELA) stated that lactobacilli are a natural treatment to prevent or treat gastritis. Foods that contain probiotics and can help improve the symptoms of gastritis include yogurt, kombucha, fermented cabbage, and kefir.GingerGinger has many properties and benefits, including aiding digestive processes, which helps in treating gastritis symptoms such as cramps, gas, acidity, loss of appetite, dizziness, and nausea. You can take it in tea or smoothies.Swiss ChardSwiss chard tea is an excellent home remedy for gastritis because it significantly helps reduce gastritis symptoms, in addition to helping eliminate toxins from the blood.We know it is very uncomfortable to deal with these annoying symptoms, and although these remedies can help you, as mentioned earlier, the most important thing is that you consult a specialist to completely alleviate this common ailment.