
The best combinations from the Good Eating Plate

By Eloísa Carmona - 2020-12-28T13:45:52Z
The Good Eating Plate is a proposed guide so that we all know how our daily meals should be composed, that is, what they should contain from the 3 groups of food it encompasses.Cereals, fruits and vegetables, legumes, and animal-derived foods are the three groups presented in the Good Eating Plate, and from them, you can create various delicious and highly nutritious combinations for you and your whole family.To know how to make combinations from the Good Eating Plate, it is best to guide yourself by the colors used to indicate what you should consume in greater or lesser portions. For example, fruits and vegetables are represented in the green area, which indicates that you should include and consume them in larger portions.In yellow are classified the cereals and tubers, which should be eaten in a smaller portion, according to the Good Eating Plate, and should cover a quarter of a plate, and it is best to include whole grains combined with legumes.Finally, the Good Eating Plate highlights in orange the legumes and in red, the animal-derived foods. This group completes the plate and should cover the other quarter to thus comprise half fruits and vegetables, while the other half should consist of a portion of cereal combined with legumes and a portion of animal origin.Now that you know the approximate amount of the portion, here are some food options you can include in each group. First, within fruits and vegetables, take advantage of seasonal ones and include the following:FruitsPeachStrawberryGuavaJicamaLemonMangoApple or pearMelon or watermelonOrange or tangerinePapayaPineappleBananaGrapefruitGrapesVegetablesAvocadoBroccoli or cauliflowerZucchiniOnionChayotePoblano pepperDry peppers such as morita or pasillaCabbageGreen beansCornLeafy greens (Swiss chard, spinach, quelites)TomatoLettuceNopalesCucumberFrozen vegetables like peas, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, green beansCanned vegetables like peas, carrots, mushrooms, and green beansCarrotWithin the cereal and tuber group are the tortilla, made from corn, pasta, made from wheat, rice, amaranth, oats, and among the tubers are cassava, potato, and sweet potato, for example.Finally, legumes include beans (whether prepared from the pot or refried), lentils, chickpeas, yellow beans, or kidney beans; while animal-derived foods include meats, whether chicken, beef, or pork, for example, fish, but also dairy products like yogurt, cheese, and milk, in addition to eggs and processed meats.Thus, a good combination of the Good Eating Plate would involve filling half of your plate with a salad that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, for example, a jicama salad with carrots, cucumber, and pineapple.As a side dish, you could include mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes, which you could mix and include in the main dish, like a meatloaf, for example. And as a starter, traditional pot beans or a bean soup, so you would not only have a two or three-course meal, but it would also be a good combination from the Good Eating Plate.Another combination following the Good Eating Plate could be preparing chicken fajitas accompanied by a roasted nopal salad, which includes beans and more vegetables.Don't forget to stay hydrated with plain water primarily, and once you know what foods you can include, making your own combinations following the Good Eating Plate will be easy and will result in complete and nutritious meals.