Top 5: The Magic of Avocado
Kiwilimón - 2018-10-16T09:23:11.623716Z
Not only is it a delicious ingredient, but it also does extraordinary good for the body. Many of us have heard that it is healthy, but you may not even imagine all the benefits that come with this classic ingredient from our Mexican cuisine. To keep you well informed, today we tell you all the good about avocado and share some recipes to showcase it.
1. Fights cholesterol
Its high Omega 3 content helps reduce the fats that our body doesn't need, so eating a lot of avocado and other similar ingredients like salmon can prevent cardiovascular problems such as heart attacks and other heart complications.
Avocado cream with panela cheese:
2. Anticancerous
It has been proven that the properties of avocado, such as its vitamins A, C, B, D, and K among others, help fight cancer cells. This makes it one of the few foods that naturally resist this disease.
Tuna salad in avocado:
3. For moms
Eating avocado during pregnancy means your baby will have a very strong heart, and a reinforced Vitamin E growth during gestation. Now, if you also eat avocado during breastfeeding, you will be nourishing your baby with vitamins, fibers, fatty acids, etc.
Oriental avocado bruschetta:
4. Helps with weight loss
Avocado contains healthy fatty acids and works in a controlled manner to speed up our metabolism, controlling blood fat levels and also makes us feel satisfied due to its high fiber content.
Avocado pesto pasta:
5. For the skin
On one hand, the fatty attributes of avocado give you radiant and smooth skin. But if you also want to keep it moisturized and soft, an avocado and honey mask is excellent for refreshing and even healing scars.
Scrambled eggs with avocado: