What desserts can you eat on a keto diet
Mónica Mateos - 2020-03-19T13:41:44Z
One of the happiest moments in food is dessert time; however, when we are on a diet, this part is one of the most challenging as we must make certain sacrifices. Luckily, today we will tell you how you can still enjoy the sweetness of meals, even when you are on a keto (ketogenic) diet.Keto DietA keto diet is a low-carbohydrate eating plan that can help you burn fat. It is a very common diet nowadays, and many people follow it and claim that this regimen offers many proven benefits for weight loss, health, and performance.The keto diet is based on consuming more foods rich in good fats and proteins, such as fish, avocado, coconut oil, and olive oil, while restricting carbohydrates, such as cereals, sugar, and even some fruits and vegetables.The goal is to generate a state of ketosis in the blood similar to fasting. This way, the fat reserves in your body are converted into ketones that fuel the muscles and brain instead of carbohydrates. That is why fat is burned, and weight is lost more quickly than with other traditional diets.Benefits of the keto diet Appetite control: By reducing carbohydrates, you necessarily consume more proteins and fats, which reduces appetite and leads to eating fewer calories per day.Greater weight loss: Studies have shown that a ketogenic diet produces weight loss two to three times greater than a low-fat diet.Lower risk of cardiovascular diseases: Ketogenic diets improve all indicators that determine the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Controlled studies have shown improvements in cholesterol profiles, lower triglycerides, and decreased blood pressure.Improvement of insulin sensitivity and reversal of diabetes: Treating diabetes with a ketogenic diet has shown significant improvements in insulin sensitivity.As you know, many desserts are high in carbohydrates, and this doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy them when you’re on a keto diet, so here are some options you can eat.Remember that what you should avoid on this diet are carbohydrates, especially sugar, so the desserts you choose should preferably be made with cheese, butter, nuts, Greek yogurt, berries, and dark chocolate, etc.Here’s a selection of keto desserts that you will love:Keto Chocolate Cake: The interesting thing about this easy cake recipe is that it contains no sugar or carbohydrates and is designed for when you are on a keto diet, which is high in fat.Pumpkin Brownie: This brownie combines the best of pumpkin and chocolate. A lovely combination for any sweet treat. And despite being gluten-free and low in added sugar, these pumpkin brownies are delicious.Blueberry Yogurt Cream: As a snack or as a dessert, this delicious cream contains the ingredients to enjoy a sweet flavor without straying from the diet plan. Which one sounds most appealing to you?