Diets and Nutrition

The alkaline diet: New trend?

By Kiwilimón - 2018-10-08T17:06:08.033554Z
Diets never go out of style, and in this generation, appearance is everything. I have been hearing about the alkaline diet and its extraordinary benefits for some time now, such as increased muscle mass accompanied by exercise, visibly younger and healthier skin, improvement in the immune system, and most attractively, weight loss. So I asked myself, what is the alkaline diet? What are its benefits? And does it really work? A close friend connected me with a nutritionist specializing in this type of diet, and I decided to get a little more involved and do some research before starting the diet. The alkaline diet aims to achieve a balanced pH in cells and tissues for optimal functioning. This is achieved by increasing the consumption of foods with a high or alkaline pH and decreasing those with a low or acidic pH. The ideal balance of the diet is achieved through a combination of 80% alkaline foods and 20% acidic foods. When we digest food, our body undergoes a process where it literally burns the food, so when this controlled combustion occurs in the digestive system, the food leaves behind a residue or ash; the ash that remains in our system can be alkaline or acidic. A combination of acidic foods can weaken cells and calorie absorption, as well as create an environment where bacteria can easily reproduce, leading to anything from a simple cold to diabetes and, in some cases, even more severe diseases like cancer. Foods are classified in a food table based on the pH they provide to the body once digested. Although the body needs 20% acidic foods to stay healthy, a diet that is too acidic weakens the immune system and makes digestion more difficult, leading to symptoms such as inflammation, gas, fatigue, rough and dry skin, among many others. So if you are thinking about following an alkaline diet, it is important to know the correct way to do it. When following a diet of this kind, it is preferable to ensure that the foods we are consuming are organic, simply because everything used to grow, preserve, and fatten the product will subsequently be ingested by us when we cook it. For example, hormones and pesticides. Eating in an alkaline way improves the functioning of the digestive system, detoxifies the body, gives more energy, and prevents many diseases. Weight loss is logical since the diet consists of a controlled consumption of animal protein, eliminating red meat, dairy, and flours, and is high in fruits and vegetables.