Diets and Nutrition
The best fats you should be eating
Kiwilimón - 2019-06-12T17:06:58.116991Z
The days in which diets banned fats are over. For your body to function correctly, it is necessary to include healthy fats in your meals. However, not all fats are created equal. Read on to learn which healthy fats you need to incorporate in your diet. Blood coagulation, the proper functioning of the nervous system and building cellular membranes are only a few examples of the processes in which fats intervene within our bodies. Fats are classified into two types, saturated or unsaturated, depending on their chemical composition. Fats can be classified into good, bad and neutral fats depending on their structure and how they react within our bodies. Within this classification, let’s focus on monounsaturated fats. They are found in fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, and fish. These healthy fats are liquid at room temperature, although there are a few exceptions. You can get them from delicious foods like Avocados From Mexico. You’re probably wondering, “Why do we need to eat monounsaturated fats?” These substances help us absorb vitamins A, D, K and E, which results in better nutrition. This means that good fats, like those you find in Avocados from Mexico, help the body absorb fat-soluble nutrients when eaten as part of a healthy diet. What is fascinating about avocados is that they are virtually the only fruit with monounsaturated fat or good fats. In fact, over 75% of the fat in avocados is “good fat.” Avocados are also cholesterol and sodium-free, making them an excellent choice for a heart-healthy diet. On the other hand, saturated fats can be considered neutral fats. They are solid at room temperature. A diet high in this type of fat can increase cholesterol levels and some experts even associate it with heart disease. Nutritionists suggest limiting your intake of saturated fats to no more than 10% of your total daily caloric intake. Finally, the worst fats are trans fats, also known as hydrogenated fats. These fats have been linked to cardiovascular disease and other illnesses. It is best to limit their consumption. Regardless of the types of fats you may eat or may have already indulged in; it is essential to focus on consuming monounsaturated fats, like the ones found in Avocados From Mexico. These good fats can aid in lowering blood pressure and even cholesterol.