What is responsible consumption and how to apply it at home

What is responsible consumption and how to apply it at home

By María Fernanda Hernandez - 2020-03-11T10:18:35Z
We know that the environmental situation is critical; however, more and more people want to take responsible actions and adopt more respectful habits that, while redefining our way of living, are also contributing to the world. One of the strongest trends this year, according to Pinterest, is responsible consumption, but to apply it and make consumption much more conscious, we will explain what it is all about. Sustainable consumption refers to using material goods and services responsibly to optimize natural resources and reduce pollution emissions. This means that we should buy and use only what we truly need to avoid waste and the use of materials, thereby slowing down the planet's deterioration. For several years now, the term sustainable consumption has gained greater importance, to the extent that it is part of public policies to emphasize the need to control production and consumption to avoid the deterioration of planet Earth and the lives of living beings as much as possible.For some time now, there has been a shift towards more conscious consumption. For many people, this means using fewer things, being more sustainable, and being responsible with waste. And although it is expected that both large companies and corporations and governments will implement policies based on responsible consumption, it is crucial to know that we can start from our homes and teach the younger members of the family, as individual actions can greatly impact and help steer the world towards a more sustainable future.Habitually, we acquire more things than we actually need. Responsible consumption emphasizes the need to adjust our purchases to the existing resources on the planet in a way that favors both their availability and social equality.Here are some tips to apply responsible consumption in our homes:1.- Plan your purchasesBefore going to the supermarket or market, make a list of what you will need. With a list, you will not only save money but also avoid buying extra products or things you won't use.2.- Learn to read labelsNot all products pollute the same, neither in their production nor in their use. Check the label to learn to identify which products cause the least environmental harm. 3.- Support fair tradeTry to do your shopping at companies that have a policy of caring for the environment and humane treatment. 4.- Buy local productsIt is very important to consider that every product, whether food or any other type of item, has a calculable ecological footprint based on parameters such as its production process, transportation and distribution, or the waste it generates after use. Therefore, it is important to prioritize local products and shop at traditional markets.5.- Organize with your communityNowadays, it is very easy to find groups through social networks to support each other on issues of responsible consumption. You can also organize with your family, friends, and neighbors to buy directly from producers who offer better prices and more natural raw materials. 6.- Reuse and recycleIt is better to buy products that are not packaged to avoid generating waste, but if that is not possible, try to choose containers that you can reuse, such as glass jars or other containers that you can use again. If possible, buy in bulk and bring your own containers to avoid generating trash.7.- Reject plastic bagsAccording to Greenpeace, eight million tons of plastics end up in the seas and oceans each year, and they take more than 50 years to decompose. Try to think about this before accepting a plastic bag or products that come in this material, and always bring your reusable bags from home.8.- Limit car useAs much as possible, use alternatives such as walking, biking, or public and collective transportation. Remember that taking care of the planet is everyone's task, and with these small actions, we will be making significant changes, for the environment, but also for our wallets.