
4 exercises for stronger arms

By Kiwilimón - 2018-10-08T17:10:51.619314Z
  Having strong arms means being able to perform daily tasks without pain or discomfort. And that's exactly what Pilates is about: incorporating exercises that make daily life easier and pain-free. This routine may seem easy, but if done correctly, it is a very effective series of exercises. Simply grab a couple of light weights and try these movements for at least 10 repetitions. You can start with one arm and then the other until you feel strong enough to do them at the same time. External rotation with palms up Start with your shoulders close to your sides, palms facing up Externally rotate your arms out to the sides, making sure your elbows do not move away from your sides Return your arms to the starting position without bringing your hands together, just keeping them right below your shoulders Rotation with palms together Hold the weights with both hands and extend your arms forward at chest height Slowly twist your torso to bring your arms to the right side Slowly return and pass through the center Now twist your torso to bring your arms to the left side Return to the center and repeat from step 1 Arm raise 1 Press the weights at chest height with your elbows pointing down Raise your hands above your head while keeping your shoulders down Return your arms to the starting position without lowering your elbows Arm raise 2 Place your arms extended at your sides Raise your extended arms until they are at chest height. Make sure your shoulders are down Return to the starting position slowly and repeat