5 myths everyone says about coffee... and they're not true
Kiwilimón - 2018-10-16T09:22:51.090322Z
Those of us who are glued to a cup of coffee cannot understand how some people don’t drink it... and worse, how there are people who still believe in all the myths surrounding it.
Everything in excess is bad... so it's not about hydrating with coffee. But let's not believe everything we hear on the street; here we debunk 5 of the most common myths said about this delicious drink:
It’s not bad for your teeth; in fact, it prevents the growth of bacteria. If you have a good cleaning routine, coffee won’t stain your teeth.
It does not cause addiction, according to the WHO.
It is not related to increased blood pressure.
It does not cause cancer... on the contrary, one of its benefits is preventing it.
You don't go crazy if you take it with aspirin... on the contrary, it will help enhance their effect.
Here are some of its benefits:
Coffee helps you burn fat
Drinking coffee helps you exercise better
Prevents diabetes
Protects you from Alzheimer’s
Reduces the risk of developing Parkinson’s
Prevents cirrhosis
Prevents depression
Prevents cancer
Contains many antioxidants