7 reasons why you are not sleeping well

7 reasons why you are not sleeping well

By Kiwilimón - 2018-10-08T17:11:12.709323Z
If you are one of the one in three adults who average less than seven hours of sleep each night, this article is for you. Moderate Depression People with depression may have trouble falling asleep; symptoms such as negative thoughts, negative worry, lack of energy, and muscle aches are not severe but are part of a negative condition that deserves attention. It is difficult to know which came first, lack of sleep or depression, as both create a vicious cycle: feeling depressed makes it hard to sleep well, and not sleeping well makes it difficult to feel good the next day, which worries you enough to not sleep, and so on. Internal Clock Changes We all have a biological clock that determines when we feel tired and when we wake up in the morning. However, after the age of 40, this clock starts to change, causing you to wake up earlier and reducing sleep hours. The solution is to find a new schedule that meets your body's needs. Reflux This condition, where gastrointestinal acid rises from your stomach to your esophagus, can affect your sleep regardless of whether it results in heartburn. With reflux, discomfort can wake you up, even if you do not feel a burning sensation. Experts recommend eating smaller meals and eating at least a couple of hours before going to bed. Additionally, losing weight helps prevent reflux, and if occasional discomfort occurs, it can be treated with antacids. Excess Belly Fat When you carry extra weight, your body has to work harder to breathe while lying down, which can cause sleep problems. Thus, the more belly fat you lose, the better your sleep quality will be. Consume foods rich in monounsaturated fats to help lose that visceral fat and add olive oil, nuts, and avocados to your meals. Vitamin D Deficiency People with low vitamin D levels sleep poorly and little, as this vitamin has a direct effect on the parts of your brain that play a role in sleep. The most common way to obtain it is by exposing your skin directly to sunlight. However, during winter months, taking a vitamin D supplement is recommended if you live in places that are continuously cloudy or have few hours of sunlight. A Pessimistic Attitude The more positive thoughts you associate with the act of sleeping, thinking that thanks to sleep hours you feel fresh and relaxed, the longer you will sleep. If you believe this is not true, you can check by keeping a record of your mood and the number of hours you slept at night. This way, you can see if there is a relationship between them that indicates what you should do. Respiratory Problems When you have a stuffy nose, whether from allergies or a cold, you are likely to have a restless night because you have trouble falling asleep. However, having a deviated septum or even a large tongue can cause air passage obstacles. Respiratory problems are worsened by sleeping on your stomach, so it is better to try sleeping on your side. Here are other entries from our blog that might interest you: “Why to Avoid Fast Food”: http://blog.kiwilimon.com/2014/06/como-evitar-la-comida-rapida/, “Ten Main Benefits You Will Get from Exercising”: http://blog.kiwilimon.com/2014/05/diez-principales-beneficios-que-obtendras-al-hacer-ejercicio/, “Salmon: Recipes and Benefits”: http://blog.kiwilimon.com/2012/05/recetas-de-salmon-y-beneficios-a-la-salud/.