How to Combat Free Radicals?

How to Combat Free Radicals?

By Gretel Morales - 2024-07-23T12:35:30Z
For several centuries, different characters and civilizations have focused on finding the source of eternal youth for aesthetic purposes, but also for health reasons. In this sense, science has discovered that nutrition plays a key role, which is why today we tell you about the free radicals and the role they play in aging.  You can also read: Foods rich in antioxidants could prevent Alzheimer’sWhat are free radicals? Experts from the National Cancer Institute (NIH) explain that free radicals are a type of molecule that is produced during the normal metabolism of cells (chemical changes that occur in a cell). Furthermore, free radicals accumulate in cells and damage other molecules, such as DNA, lipids, and proteins. This damage may increase the risk of cancer and other diseases.”As you can see, free radicals not only cause aging, but they also increase the chances of developing conditions such as:Alzheimer Rheumatoid arthritis Cancer CataractsAutoimmune diseasesCardiovascular diseasesSkin spotsParkinson’s On the other hand, the Cleveland Clinic explains that radicals are naturally created in the human body, but they can also enter from the environment. The dreaded free radicals are found in: Cigarette smoke  Environmental pollution  Medications Pesticides Ozone Sun rays Ultraviolet light It is worth mentioning that the body also generates free radicals in response to factors such as anxiety or inflammation.  However, there is also good news, as antioxidants are essential when it comes to combating the effects of free radicals. Here we tell you what you can eat to lessen the effects of free radicals! See more: Discover all the benefits that hibiscus tea has for youFoods to combat free radicals In addition to avoiding smoking, consuming alcoholic beverages, using sunscreen, and even learning to manage stress, there are also different ingredients rich in antioxidants that you can use to take care of your health and prevent diseases caused by free radicals. Here we tell you which ones they are! Avocado Almonds Sesame seeds Brown rice Tuna Oats Broccoli Peanuts Pumpkin Sweet potato Onion Citrus fruits Brussels sprouts Cauliflower Peach Asparagus Strawberry Red fruits Egg Tomato Kale Legumes Mango Apple Melon Blueberry Orange Pumpkin seeds Bell pepper Salmon Watermelon Sunflower seeds Tea Grapefruit Grapes Wine Carrot Now you know, the best way to take care of your health, increase your fiber intake, and even combat free radicals is through diet. Don't hesitate to prepare yourself a smoothie with red fruits and nuts, a salad with legumes, or roasted vegetables topped with pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Also, don’t forget to visit your primary care physician, who will guide you on the dangers of free radicals and advise you on which antioxidant-rich foods are ideal for you.  Continue reading: Teas that work better than a rejuvenating cream