
Sleeping 5 more minutes has repercussions

By Kiwilimón - 2018-10-16T09:21:24.016752Z
One of the worst moments of the day for many people is when the alarm clock goes off, signaling that it's time to get up. There are many of us who hit snooze and continue sleeping a bit longer, and the reality is that sleep affects the body and mind in many of its functions. Prevents inflammation Inflammation associated with cardiovascular function and diseases such as diabetes and even premature aging is more common in people who sleep less than six hours. If you want to be creative, sleep more According to researchers from Harvard University and Boston College, getting enough sleep has positive effects on the brain in terms of memorization and creativity, as one of its functions is to better structure and organize memories and emotions. To compete, sleep! Stanford University conducted a study showing that athletes who slept 10 hours each night for two months achieved better performance and endurance. Higher academic performance Children under 16 years old who suffer from respiratory disorders while sleeping see their grades decline compared to those children who sleep continuously for a minimum of eight hours each night. Greater attention Sleeping more can prevent disorders such as ADHD in children and apathy in adults. Studies found that when children sleep little, they become hyperactive, while adults feel lethargic and low on energy. Your perfect weight! Not getting enough sleep activates certain substances and hormones in the body that have the opposite effect you desire, increasing your appetite and pushing you to eat foods high in sugars, fats, and calories. Therefore, sleeping the amount of hours you need will help you eat healthier and lose weight. Goodbye stress and a strong heart Sleeping well makes you feel good emotionally and gives you enough energy to face the day, which in turn helps prevent heart problems and reduces stress. Helps your emotional well-being Illnesses such as depression can also arise from lack of sleep; when we sleep more, we experience less anxiety and are not as easily irritated as we are when we haven't slept well. Sleeping not just 5 more minutes, but the amount of hours that our body truly needs is essential for good health. It is not necessary to stick to the rule of sleeping eight hours a day; not everyone is the same, and some people need to sleep nine or seven hours to feel good and full of energy. The important thing is to respect your body's own rhythm.