What foods to avoid if you have gastritis

What foods to avoid if you have gastritis

By Eloísa Carmona - 2020-10-21T19:07:49Z
Gastritis is one of the most common diseases among digestive system ailments, but did you know that it increases in December due to holiday foods that are higher in calories, irritating, and spicy?According to information from the Ministry of Health, “people can gain up to 5 kilos during the holiday season and year-end,” and those who already suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, such as gastritis, may experience more severe symptoms.The term gastritis refers to any condition that involves inflammation of the stomach lining. Eating certain foods and avoiding others can help people manage their gastritis symptoms, such as indigestion, abdominal pain, nausea, and a feeling of fullness.Foods to avoid when you have gastritisDiet is a very important factor in digestive health and overall health. Following a gastritis-friendly diet can be very helpful in alleviating symptoms and helping you feel better. Just as we mentioned which foods to avoid when you have colitis, it is recommended to avoid the following irritating foods that may worsen gastritis:alcoholcoffeetomatoes and some acidic fruitsfruit juicesfatty foodsfried foodcarbonated beveragesspicy foodHigh-fat foods can worsen inflammation in the stomach lining. On the other hand, some forms of gastritis are caused by drinking alcohol too frequently or drinking too much in a short period.Thus, during Christmas, it’s best to moderate your intake of alcoholic beverages, fats, and soft drinks; if you already know certain foods that trigger or worsen your symptoms, avoid them as well.As for what you should eat when suffering from gastritis, some foods can help manage it and reduce symptoms, for example:high-fiber foods, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and beanslow-fat foods, such as fish, lean meats, and vegetableslow-acid foods, including vegetables and beansnon-carbonated beveragescaffeine-free drinksRemember that besides taking care of your diet, consulting with a specialist doctor is always the best option when you suffer from gastritis or any other illness.