6 typical dishes from El Salvador that you must know
Adriana sanchez - 2021-06-24T08:27:59Z
The cuisine of El Salvador is a world of flavors, textures, and aromas with its own essence; however, many times we get trapped in the pupusas and tamalitos when there is a world of traditional dishes we should know. That’s why we invite you to discover the typical dishes of El Salvador! Fried or boiled yuca Yuca is a tuber similar to sweet potato that can be combined with chicharrones, pepescas, tomato sauce, pickled vegetables, tomato, cucumber, and sauce. An absolutely irresistible Salvadoran snack! Beef foot soup This traditional dish from El Salvador is a soup whose main ingredient, as its name suggests, is beef extremities accompanied by plantain, cabbage, yuca, pipianes, green beans, and güisquil. Some also add chopped jalapeño peppers, onion, cilantro, and lemon. Banana canoes This delicious traditional dessert from El Salvador is made with fried plantains stuffed with a special cream that mixes a bit of cornstarch with milk. What else would you pair with banana canoes? Atol Atol is a thick drink served hot, made from corn, cashew seeds, roasted corn, and pineapple. This drink is meant to accompany desserts, and the most popular is known as atol shuco. Gallo en chicha This hybrid recipe from indigenous and European culture consists of a bit of rooster or chicken meat cooked with pineapple, whole plantain, corn, and a sweet panela that gives it a strong characteristic flavor. It is used on special occasions such as weddings and graduations. Riguas This traditional dish from El Salvador is perhaps one of the lesser-known ones. Riguas are reminiscent of arepas, as they are made with seasoned corn dough wrapped in banana leaves. They are eaten with cheese and cream. Which typical dish from El Salvador do you like the most?