8M: The Women Revolutionizing Mexican Gastronomy
Gretel Morales - 2025-03-03T15:29:43Z
The 8M is not a celebration; it is a commemoration, and we at kiwilimón are very much aware of this. On this day, where the empowerment of women is the most important, we tell you about 5 women who have made their mark in the gastronomic world. On International Women’s Day, we interviewed chef Lula Martín del Campo, writer Laura Esquivel Valdés, traditional cook Aurora Otila Concha, chef Adriana Luna, and mezcal producer Graciela Ángeles, to share how they have left their mark in the industry.You can also read: 8 women who have made their mark in Mexican gastronomy 8M: Revolution in the Kitchen To commemorate International Women’s Day, we share the stories of 5 women who have broken the glass ceiling and demonstrated that women have everything it takes to be leaders in an industry like gastronomy. We are sure that their life stories, achievements, and advice will also inspire you to live without fear and to take on the world. Laura Esquivel Valdés Laura is one of the most recognized Mexican writers worldwide and is the one who gifted us the heartfelt story of Tita and Pedro. Originally from Mexico City, Esquivel wrote one of the novels that best portrays passion in the kitchen: Like Water for Chocolate. The success of this story of unrequited love and flavor was so great that it made its way to the big screen and also to television, becoming instant hits. The career of Laura Esquivel shows us that passion and cooking go hand in hand and are places from which change can be fostered. Don't miss the interview she gave to kiwilimón and learn more about her story in her own words! Lula Martín del Campo In Mexico, we have dozens of talented chefs, but Lula stands out. This Mexican chef exudes passion for Mexican cuisine, which has made her one of the best in Mexico. Throughout her career, she has always sought to highlight the flavors of her homeland, endemic ingredients, and the importance of consuming local products. Additionally, Lula has been concerned about the environment and sustainability, which has led her to lead the collective #Pescaconfuturo of Come Pesca, made up of women. You can try Lula's cuisine at her 4 gastronomic projects: Cascabel, Marea, La barra de al lado, and Altanera. See more: Women who transform Mexican gastronomy Graciela Ángeles Just as in the world of gastronomy, the mezcal world is male-dominated, but Graciela Ángeles is changing the landscape. Graciela leads Real Minero, one of the most prestigious mezcal brands. It is worth mentioning that Graciela's mezcal stands out for its flavor, history, and sustainability. Through Real Minero, she launched the LAM project, which aims to document the “pollination, flowering, and reproduction processes through seeds of the agaves that grow in our mezcal-producing region.” Additionally, she published her book Mexcalli. The World of Agave Distillates in Mexico in 2024, where she explores the creation and production process of the spirit. Thanks to her dedication, passion, and vision, Graciela has become the most influential mezcal producer in the country.Aurora Otila ConchaAurora Otila, also known as “Tilita,” is one of the main representatives of Chihuahua cuisine and one of the best traditional cooks in the country. For over 20 years, she has dedicated herself to preserving and promoting the best of the state's cuisine in her restaurant. Recently, she has begun collaborating on the Fogones project, which seeks to preserve the gastronomy of each region of the country. All her experience, talent, and passion have led her to participate in national and international events, such as the World Forum of Mexican Gastronomy.Adriana Luna Food has become a great means to get ahead, and Adriana Luna knows this very well, the chef in charge of La cocina de mi mamá in Coyoacán. Through her recipes, passed down from generation to generation, Adriana has created a restaurant where every dish takes root and reminds us that passion does reflect in food. With a vibrant, creative, and delicious menu, chef Adriana shows us that passion is what guides us and makes us stand out in this life. At kiwilimón, we celebrate the careers, successes, and lessons these 5 great women give us, who also share recipes, stories, mezcals, and delicious desserts. Let’s commemorate 8M!Continue reading: Behind a great craving, there is almost always a great woman