The history of rice pudding
Sofía Danis - 2023-08-09T17:45:59Z
The sweet and creamy rice pudding is one of the favorite dishes of Mexicans. Have you ever wondered about the origin of rice pudding? If so, keep reading to learn a little more about this delicious dessert.Where does rice pudding come from?Although rice pudding is very famous in our country, this dessert is not Mexican and its origin remains a mystery to this day. This is because rice pudding, also known as rice custard, is a dessert that has been present in various cultures throughout the centuries.According to several historians, the oldest records of rice pudding date back to ancient China, the Byzantine Empire, and even India, cultures where rice was an important source of food.This comforting mixture of milk, rice, sugar, and perhaps some spices, fruit, or nuts was named differently in each culture where it emerged: ba bao fan in China, kheer in India, muhalibiyya in the Middle East, or rice pudding in England are just a few of the names by which our beloved rice pudding is known in other parts of the world.Fortunately for us, this delicious dessert traveled through Asia, crossed the Middle East, went through Europe, and finally reached Mexico and all of Latin America with the arrival of the colonizers. The best rice pudding recipeNow that you know this simple dessert has centuries of history, how about we share our best rice pudding recipe? Take note!Ingredients 2 cups of water 1 cup of rice 1 cup of evaporated milk 1 cup of condensed milk 1 cinnamon stick To taste lemon zest To taste ground cinnamonInstructions 1. Cook the rice with the 2 cups of water. 2. When it comes to a boil, reduce to low heat and cook until the liquid almost evaporates completely. 3. Pour in the evaporated milk, condensed milk, cinnamon, and lemon zest. 4. Cook for a couple of minutes, just until it thickens. 5. Serve once the rice pudding cools down and decorate with ground cinnamon.Discover the best tips for making rice puddingGive a twist to the classic rice pudding!If you already know how to prepare traditional rice pudding like an expert, we share three recipes with an extra touch of flavor to give a twist to this classic:Strawberry rice puddingDulce de leche rice puddingChocolate rice puddingIf you're looking for something different, don't hesitate to venture and prepare gelatins, tarts, and other desserts with rice pudding they will become your favorites!