What is the origin of the bean?
Gretel Morales - 2023-02-16T13:07:45Z
The bean holds a very important place in the diet of Mexicans, as, like corn and chili, it is one of the most basic ingredients in Mexican cooking, used to accompany stews, spread on sopes, or fill tlacoyos, among many more recipes. It is also important to emphasize that, in addition to giving an unmatched flavor to many dishes and being a very accessible ingredient, the legacy of the bean is immense in our country. The harvest of beans began thousands of years ago, and this ingredient became part of the milpa Mexican system, a sustainable planting method primarily based on corn, beans, chili, pumpkin, and tomato, according to the Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development. You can also read: Beans and their impact on anxietyWhat is the origin of the bean?Regarding its origin, it is known that beans were cultivated in Mesoamerica for 8,000 years and were part of the basic diet of all indigenous peoples. In the case of our country, at least 70 species of beans have been counted; that is, of the 150 species of beans worldwide, Mexico has almost half. A curious fact about the origin of the bean is that until a couple of years ago, there was a major debate about whether it originated in Mesoamerica or the Andes. By 2012, as reported by the BBC, a group of experts determined that beans were domesticated independently in both regions; however, these varieties share the same ancestor in Mesoamerica. Additionally, this group of experts argues that it is most likely that the bean did originate in Mexico after conducting a series of genetic tests: “Our work presents clear evidence of a Mesoamerican origin of P. vulgaris that very likely was located in Mexico. Moreover, the academic María Cristina Barros y Valero states that “seventy of the just over one hundred species of the genus Phaseolus, to which beans belong, are native to Mexico. This allows us to assert that our country is a center of origin and diversity for this plant.” In addition to the archaeological evidence found in caves in Puebla and Oaxaca, Barros y Valero points out that ancient murals also indicate the importance of the bean to ancient cultures. Similarly, this food is mentioned and illustrated on various occasions in the Florentine Codex by Fray Bernardino de Sahagún. You can also read: 10 very Mexican recipes with beansBenefits of beans As you know, beans are basic in the diet of Mexicans, as they provide an incredible flavor to dishes such as tamales, snacks, stews, and more; however, they are also one of the most nutritious foods available, and here’s why. According to a note published in October 2022, some benefits of consuming beans are: Fiber: Beans are high in fiber. A ½ cup serving provides about 8 grams of fiber. Mood: Legumes are rich in the amino acid tryptophan and the mineral magnesium, which have been linked to improvements in mood and mental well-being. Glycemic index: Pinto, black, or white beans are recognized as low glycemic index foods that help moderate glucose spikes after meals. According to information published by the federal government, beans contain complex carbohydrates and among the vitamins they provide are those of the B complex, as well as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, and they are an important source of iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, calcium, and phosphorus.” On the other hand, Barros y Valero mentions that “recent studies show that the presence of beans in the daily diet prevents cancer of the digestive system,” so as you can see, consuming beans not only boosts the local economy and is a millenary tradition but is also excellent for maintaining your health. So, if you needed more reasons to prepare stewed beans, maneados beans, or some delicious refried beans, here they are. There is no better way to preserve our culture and traditions than through our gastronomy!