Edible Shots
Party Ideas

Edible Shots

By Kiwilimón - 2018-10-16T09:16:22.464117Z
Do you like to eat? How about drinking? If your answer was affirmative both times, then you will love these suggestions we have for you. Here are five edible shots that you can take a drink from and, of course, enjoy the container afterwards.   Cookie with Milk     instagram.com This one is very easy and perfect for kids, although if you want to swap the milk for Bailey’s or Kahlua, no one will blame you. All you have to do is bake cookies in a cylindrical shape, like bottle corks, but you need to make a hole in the middle so it looks like a shot glass. Just bake them, let them cool, and fill them with milk.   Strawberry Margarita   buzzfeed.com We all know how to make a margarita; all it takes is a little lemon juice, tequila, salt, and you're good to go. With this version, you can do the same but in strawberry form. Just hollow out some large strawberries, then mix that strawberry filling with strawberry gelatin and add tequila to taste. Once the mixture is combined, pour it into the empty strawberries and chill. You'll have strawberry gelatin shots, perfect for the heat.    Peach Shot Glass   mightygirl.com   This one is very simple; all you have to do is check if some peaches can stand upright without tipping over. If they can, you have your glasses. Just create a hole in them with a knife or bottle cap and you're done. Inside, we recommend pouring mezcal or white tequila; either will soak up the fresh flavor of the peach and you'll end up with a refreshing drink. Apple and Caramel     buzzfeed.com This is also great for the whole family. Take a couple of green apples and scoop out the inside, not all of it, just about half. Then, pour in caramel (which you can make by melting sugar in a pan and adding a bit of cream or butter) and fill the rest of the apple. Place them in the refrigerator until the caramel solidifies and finish by cutting the apple into wedges. Cucumber and Tomato   sheknows.com This is a great option for those who enjoy a delicious Bloody Mary or a much-craved clamato. All you have to do is cut a tomato in half and scoop out the inside, and do the same with a cucumber; from one whole cucumber, you can get at least five shot glasses. Once you have them, you can fill them with clamato and garnish with a bit of salt and mint and celery leaves.     Shot Recipes    Shot Baby Mango  Shot ABC  Shot Perla Negra What do you think of these ideas? Would you like to try them?