What to do with the food from the offering afterwards?
Halloween and Day of the Dead

What to do with the food from the offering afterwards?

By Kiwilimón - 2019-10-30T12:07:18Z
Day of the Dead is a celebration recognized worldwide that gives identity to all Mexicans. Its colors, scents, traditions, and everything surrounding it make it an experience of sensations and many feelings.Without a doubt, the most important element of this celebration is the offering for the dead. The offering is a great Mexican tradition that we must preserve, consisting of several levels, where the syncretism of pre-Hispanic religions merges with Catholicism.The basic levels of a Day of the Dead offering are heaven and earth, but it can have up to seven levels, where each step symbolizes the necessary stages to reach Mictlán, the underworld in Mexican mythology and the place of eternal rest.Thus, the offering is placed on a table in a room within the home, and this will be the place where the offerings for Day of the Dead will be, for the souls that come to visit.According to belief, the objects and food placed on the offering attract spirits and help facilitate the journey from Mictlán to their family homes, so they can enjoy a night of celebration with them once again.It is known that one should place the food that our deceased loved ones liked, but what is done with the food from the Day of the Dead offering afterwards?Although tradition dictates that families come from beyond to enjoy the food and many people believe that after the visit the food loses its flavor, we will give you some options for what can be done with the food when removing the offering.In reality, most foods can be eaten, and sometimes they are shared among the people who helped set up the offering.Some prepared foods, like stews, are better to discard, as it is not hygienic to eat them afterward due to the days they spent outdoors.If you are already following food recycling practices at home, feel free to do the same with these foods.Now that you know, all that remains is to enjoy these moments with family and preserve our traditions.