Fish Tips
Kiwilimón - 2018-10-16T09:16:33.314696Z
We share these tips so that during this Lent you can choose and cook delicious dishes with fresh fish.
Whole fish or fillets? How to recognize freshness when it is already cut? Solve this and other preservation doubts about fish. Nowadays, buying fresh fish at the fishmonger is a guarantee of freshness, as there are techniques and methods to keep it in perfect condition until it reaches your table, despite its transportation and handling.
Even so, it is important to recognize fresh fish at first sight; appearance and smell are two key elements that are also easy to learn since they stand out visually.
The first step to take home fresh fish is to find a trusted fishmonger, whether at the fish market or the supermarket. He can advise you not only on the quality of the fish but also on fishing seasons and bans so that you can buy accordingly and always have access to the best fish and seafood throughout the year.
Fillets or whole fish?
The answer to this question is: it depends on what you need it for. It is not the same to want to bread a fillet alone as it is to make a fish soup, where we need the skin and bones to add flavor.
When it comes to freshness, it is easier to choose a whole fish, and if you are inexperienced in cooking, ask the fishmonger to cut it into fillets once you have chosen the whole piece.
For whole fish, the skin should be shiny and taut; a dull color or wrinkled skin indicates that the fish is no longer fresh.
Another crucial factor is its smell. Fresh fish should smell like the sea and have an appetizing aroma.
The eyes should be bright; over time, the transparent surface of the eyes becomes dull and gray, and the eyeball flattens.
The belly of a fish should not be swollen, soft, or broken. For fillets or slices, it should have a shiny appearance and not be dull; there should be no brown or dry edges.
When you buy fresh fish, keep these tips in mind for its preservation.
1. Clean it. As soon as you get home from the market or supermarket, the first thing you should do is clean it, wash it, and if it is whole, remove the entrails.
Most fish have skin covered with scales, which can sometimes be removed by rubbing it with your fingers under running water, but in some cases, you may need to scrape with a scaler, starting from the tail towards the head. Hold the fish with one hand by the tail, it should be facing down, and you should clean it under running water.
2. Refrigerate it. If you are going to cook it that same day, place it clean on a plate or tray and cover it with a slightly damp cloth. This way, you will avoid contact with oxygen or the fish smell contaminating the rest of the food you keep in the refrigerator.
3. Freeze it. If you are going to freeze it, place the fish in the coldest part and do not leave it in there for too long, even frozen.
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Fish Recipes
Fish Fillet in Papillote
Fish Wrapped with Tomatoes and Olives
Smoked Fish Spread
Fish Broth
Fish Ceviche with Watercress Dressing
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