Tips and Advice

20 tips for first-time moms

By Kiwilimón - 2018-10-16T09:19:02.038742Z
I'm not a mom yet, but when I came across this list on the Scary Mommy blog, I realized the pressure put on women to be perfect mothers, and how little is said about the challenges we all face in the beginning. That's why I'm sharing this important list of advice that all moms should receive before giving birth (to help us stop stressing). 1. It's okay to admit that motherhood isn't fun, that you're exhausted, and that you resent your husband because he can go out into the world while you're cleaning noses and bottoms. 2. Not breastfeeding won’t kill your baby no matter how bad your friends make you feel about it. 3. Don’t worry about the little things, and unless your baby has a serious illness, they’re all little things. 4. Take the time to shower every day. 5. Remember: they will stop crying… eventually. 6. You don’t need a wipe warmer or other expensive gadgets for diapering. 7. Sometimes you may want to throw them out the window, and that's okay… as long as you don't do it. 8. Don’t compare yourself to others. All you can do is be the best mom you can be. 9. Dress your baby in nice clothes, who cares if they get dirty? If you save your favorite outfits, your baby may grow faster than you think, and then they won’t fit. 10. Don’t judge other parents. They don’t know what they’re doing either. 11. Take videos of your babies. Photos are great, but video captures moments in ways photos can’t. 12. Get out of the house while they still have to go in the stroller; it will never be that easy again. 13. Don’t take everything so seriously. You’re not going to ruin them if they miss a vegetable, a bath, fall asleep in clothes, or if you turn a blind eye once in a while. 14. No one else knows what’s best for your baby. 15. Let them get dirty; that’s what baths are for. 16. Take the time to recharge. It’s not selfish to take care of yourself. 17. Choose your battles; sometimes they’re not worth it. 18. Being a parent is defined by extremes: extremely happy, extremely frustrated, extremely in love, extremely guilty. Learn to let things go, breathe, and try to find happiness in each day. 19. Parents who seem to have it all together are almost always the ones who feel the worst. 20. You’re doing a great job. Relax.   View original article   Article courtesy of   Raspberry Puree Carrot Croquettes Pea Puree