Tips and Advice

4 tips for an energetic breakfast

By Kiwilimón - 2018-10-16T09:16:14.127099Z
We all know the importance of breakfast. We've been told time and again that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Well, it's true because it helps our body to start as it should.   The problem is that many of us do not have the habit, the time, or the imagination to prepare breakfast daily. If you are willing to change this and make breakfast your first meal properly, our friends at ActitudFEM provide us with 4 proven tips that will guarantee you, first, that in a month you will have the habit and the need to have breakfast, and second, you will see a change in your metabolism that will reflect in your weight and health: 1. Have breakfast daily At first, it will be hard for you, but force yourself, make it a challenge and stick to it. After 2 weeks of doing it daily, including Saturdays and Sundays, you will see how your body starts to ask for it, and it will be easier to make it part of your routine. A study conducted by the National Weight Control Registry in the United States with a group of 5,000 people who lost 15 kilos over a year and have not regained it, 78% reported that the main change they made in their diet was breakfast. 2. Have breakfast early During the week, especially if you work outside all morning or exercise, try to eat as soon as you get up. Make it the first thing you do so that you have enough energy to kickstart your metabolism and don’t feel hungry 2 hours later. Some people have breakfast outside or wait until they get to the office. During this time, your body lacks the energy to function, so it uses your reserves, and even if you have breakfast at 10, by 2 you will be starving. On weekends, try not to delay breakfast more than 2 hours after getting up. 3. Have a hearty breakfast Breakfast is the time to indulge. Eat as much as you want, there are no limits; what you eat now is one less meal you will have during the night. If you are on a diet, plan a balanced breakfast, but do not limit yourself in quantity. Have egg whites, fruit, some protein, bread, juice, etc. A good breakfast will prevent you from craving greasy foods during the day, and you will feel less hungry at night. We should have breakfast 20 to 25% of our intake, meaning 350 calories if you are following a 1,500 calorie meal plan. 4. Have a smart breakfast Planning your breakfasts will prevent you from overeating during the day. Choose foods that contain fiber, such as toast or oatmeal, fruits that boost your metabolism like papaya, and low-fat proteins like turkey ham. The ideal is for you to cook breakfast so you can measure the fat you add, limit butter consumption, and avoid highly processed products that are high in sodium or chemicals.   See original article.   Breakfast Recipes       Eggs Omelette Frittata Baked Eggs Scrambled Eggs Quiches Eggs Benedict  Mexican Breakfasts Enchiladas Ribs in Green Sauce Enchiladas in Green Sauce Mexican Enfrijoladas  Pancakes Pancakes with Banana and Chocolate Pancakes with Chocolate Chips Buckwheat Pancakes Fruit Pancakes  Waffles Waffles with Berries and Cinnamon Waffles with Banana Carpaccio and Cajeta Waffles with Red Fruits Waffle Sandwich     What do you like to have for breakfast?