Beauty Tips

Flat Stomach in Seconds

By Kiwilimón - 2018-10-16T09:18:27.174401Z
Before you continue reading… it’s important to tell you that this is not a tip for weight loss (although some studies show that people who do it tend to feel more satisfied for longer and lose weight) but for those days when you eat something very heavy and your stomach bloats horribly, has that happened to you? Well… the remedy is super simple, you need to take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed in a glass of water. If it tastes really bad, you can add a little lemon or honey. This helps the food process better, leaving your abdomen flat and gas-free. It also helps reduce bloating in the intestines and regulate your digestive system. Be careful! Don’t take more than three tablespoons a day and always, ALWAYS dilute it in water. For a few people, it has the opposite effect (they do not tolerate vinegar well). If you are one of them, stop taking it and consult your doctor to advise you on the bloating problem and find another solution to have a flat stomach. View original article Article courtesy of   Flat Stomach in 3 Days Apple Diet Green Juice for Weight Loss